S2 Focus

737 23 3

Y/n POV:

You slowly began to drift off to sleep with your legs kicked up on the dash and your seat pulled back.

Y/n:wake me when we get there.

Jackson just gave you a quick nod.


???:Hephaestus! Hephaestus! Y/n!!!

You were shaken awake by a syndicate guard.

Y/n:I...what the-?!

Guard:the found it! The legends found amethyst station! We gotta move!

You stumbled to your feet and grabbed an r-301 off of a corpse not to far from you.

Y/n:how did they find it so fast?!

Guard:it was that damn kid! I told you she was trouble!

Y/n:no way she could've remembered all of this!

The station shook as the massive battle waged outside.

Guard:you and a couple others stay here and guard the core! The rest of you on me! This station ain't going down if I got anything to say about it!

You stumbled around the facility with a handful of men trying to find any threats in the area. Why would the legends even attack? Why would they get involved in something as big as this?

Y/n:halo-1 what's your status?


Y/n:say again halo? What's going on?!

Halo-1:they're inside! They're inside! Legends have breached the-

You heard him get cut off by some sort of metal hand going through his chest.

???:I'm actually enjoying this!

The voice over the com sounded robotic, almost like-

Y/n:revenant! Let's move!

Grunt:what?! I didn't sign up for this!

Y/n:they get to that core we're all dead! Move!!! And shoot that bastard revenant on sight!


A massive explosion occurred only a few meters away from you sending you flying, the moment you hit the ground everything went black.


You jolted back awake inside of Jackson's truck.


Jackson:Jesus! What's wrong with you?! You good?

You tried your best to slow down your breathing.

Y/n:I-I-I uh-

You shook your head and reached into your pockets.


Y/n:they help calm me down after my nightmares alright?!

You pulled it a cigarette box and quickly placed a cigarette between your fingers. You then pulled out your lighter and opened the window, as you continued to smoke Jackson gave you an almost sympathetic look.

Jackson:memories from your old job?

Y/n:yeah...yeah you could say that. Want me to drive?

Jackson:nah, you don't know these roads anyways. Plus driving helps me focus.

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