S2 Tribute to the fallen

744 29 20

Y/n POV:

Newcastle:just keep your head down, get to your room. We'll deal with these guys tomorrow.

Y/n:you think they'll even let us walk back?

Newcastle:just smile and wave kid...

He then turned his attention to the rest of the legends and gave a bright smile.

Newcastle:y'all defiantly look different in person! Much more...unique.

You both began to walk your separate rooms. You tied to get there as quick as you could but before you could even get five feet of the door a hyper sounding man wearing almost all green threw his arm over your shoulders and began to shake you around a bit.

Octane:now YOU look terrified! We don't bite amigo!

Y/n:Get- off me!

You shoved him off.

Y/n:I'm just...not used to seeing so many of y'all at once that's all.

He gave an energetic laugh before zipping away almost as quick as he got to you. You only got a few brief moments of peace before another cocky and almost childish legend approached you with a few other close behind him.

Mirage:eh see? The moment they see all of 'this' people just can't control themselves.

The woman to his left rolled his eyes.


Crypto:THIS is why I wanted to meet him alone.

The quiet looking man to his right smacked him over the head.

Mirage:you guys are just jealous! I got more fans then anyone here combined. And when I'm gone? There's gonna be a biiig beautiful golden statue hanging at the center of the city and they'll name it-w-well I haven't quite got there yet but you know what I mean!

Y/n:looks ain't everything, Sometimes people want results. And your results are...

He leaned forward.

Mirage:are...? Are what? I don't wanna hear anything from YOU rookie!

Y/n:I'm just saying you haven't won a game in the last month!

Why would you say that?! The last thing you need is to get these people agitated! Maybe it was just your inner cockiness that spoke for you instead of your BRAIN!


Y/n:(wait what?)

Mirage:well ya got guts kid I'll give you that.

Wraith:not a lot of thought going on in there though.

Y/n:excuse me?

Wraith:that last thing you need right now is to be agitating the people your going to spend the next few years with.

Y/n:I was just telling the truth!

Crypto:people can't ever handle the truth...it's usually best to just keep it to yourself.

This was good, they hadn't seemed to recognize you OR your voice. As long as you just pretended like you belonged you should be fine-

???:this the one replacing me?

A cold, merciless voice appeared from behind you. It sent shivers down your spine just hearing it, you turned to see a tall red and intimidating robot. You couldn't tell if his expression was neutral or pissed...

Y/n:can I help you?

He seemed shocked at your stoic expression. After years of training you knew how to keep your thoughts and emotions to yourself, even fear.

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