Changing the game

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Y/n POV:

You were thrown onto the drop ship by an angry wattson.

Wattson:how did you even have a knife?! Knifes or any other sharp objects are restricted in these types of matches! Those are the rules!

Y/n:I keep it in my boot!

She groaned

Y/n:what?! It's not like I have time to read the damn rule book! 

Wattson:you telling me no one told you that we use exo-rounds in this game? Seriously-

Guard:what are you talking about?

You saw a guard walk up to you.

Guard:you were using LIVE rounds during the match. What are you talking about exo-rounds?


You were both confused.

Guard:all off you were using normal bullets like any other game.

Y/n:wait, so we killed all of them?!

The guard put his hands up.

Guard:woah woah woah of course you dint! That's not how it works.

Now you both were REALLY confused.

Guard:look calm down- here look.

He pulled out a tablet, on the screen was multiple names with heart beat lines and other statistics for vitals.

Y/n:it's there vitals?

Wattson:but they all look fine!

Even bloodhounds vitals looked like they were in perfect condition.

Guard:of course they are, they respawned.


You turned to wattson

Y/n:thought you said that it wasn't ready yet?

Wattson:it wasn't!...or at least that's what I was told.

You then breathed a sigh of relief

Y/n:so is bloodhound alright? Even though I stabbed them in the neck?

Guard:yep, people are saying that respawning can basically bring you back from anything! Even being blown up! as far as I can tell bloodhound will be in perfect condition by the time they wake up. Remember when we injected y'all with something in the begging.

You rubbed your neck still remembering the pain.

Y/n:kinda hard to forget it.

Guard:well THATS what tells us to respawn you.

Y/n:wait, it TELLS you to respawn us? I thought we were the only ones that were allowed to do that?

Guard:y'all dint hear? Once you won the match kuben blisk sent out an announcement...a big one. Anyone can be respawned now but for a price, and there will be no more legend games...only championship games and regular matches. Games Will also ONLY be held with regular rounds now. 

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