An old friend

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Mirage POV:

Mirage hopped off the transport ship That took him to solace, it had been years since he had come back to his home town so every time he walked by a house or a shop a few good memories would pass by.

Mirage:home sweet home...I guess.

He made his way through the city and to a small apartment building. It was a bit beaten down, but if you wanted a place to lay low or maybe get some peace and quiet this was the best place. As he entered the building he quickly noticed people in disgusting rags and pants who started eyeing him the second he walked in, he did his best to ignore them and made his way up stairs to the 3rd floor. 375, finally.

Unfortunately, the door was locked.

Mirage:oh, alright then.

He took a step back, and kicked the door down...well he "Tried" to kick the door down. Instead the door dint budge, and he was hopping on one leg holding his foot in pain.

Mirage:ow ow! Son of a-

Before he could finish, the door swung open. He looked up but saw no one, only the emptiness of the entire room. He entered and took a look around, most of the walls were moldy, there was only one window with have a surprisingly good view and one bed in the middle of the room. After he finished Surveying the room he heard something shift behind him. He wasn't scared, he simply chuckled.

Mirage:place has gone to shit.

3rd person POV:

The figure behind him turned on the light switch next to him allowing mirage to see his face.

Mirage:it's good to see you again y/n.

Y/n dint say anything, he just stood there with a blank expression.

Y/n:why are you here?

Mirage:oh come on! Was just in the neighborhood and decided to stop by to see an old friend-

Y/n:Elliot, you can bullshit a lot of people in the outlands, but you cant bullshit me now spit it out. I know you want something from me.

Mirage sighed but was still smirking.

Mirage:what gave it away?

Y/n:I heard that an "apex legend" was in town for no apparent reason so I figured you'd be stopping by to make me return that favor I owed you.

Mirage started to pace

Mirage:you watch the news?

Y/n:of course.

Mirage:then you saw what Happend to kings canyon.

Y/n:yup, can't say I'm disappointed though.

Mirage:yah you've made it perfectly clear you hate the games...

He stoped pacing and looked at you dead in the eyes.


Mirage:one match that's all I'm asking.


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