The tower

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Mirage POV:

Mirage woke up with an aching head, not sure where he was on the arena. All he remembered was chasing that quick little bastard octane then getting kicked in the face. Before he could even get his barrings, he saw a figure run up to him.

???:mirage? What are you doing?! Get up!

Mirage:uuuugh I can sleep in mom! It's not a school day!

???:what are you- oh screw it!

The figure grabbed him then slapped him across the face making him a bit more focused.

Mirage:I...wait what? Wraith?

Wraith:yes! Now move your ass!

She let go of him and immediately ran off.

Mirage:wait wait! What's going on?!

As soon as he said that he heard a loud roar from behind him. He slowly turned around to see a massive flock of flyers going over the island.


He quickly turned around and followed wraith with flyers swooping down trying to grab him.

Mirage:thought the tower was supposed to keep these things out?!

Wraith:the towers gone!

Mirage:wait what? But how-

Wraith:we'll figure it out later right now we gotta go!

Mirage:gonna be honest, this is NOT how I saw my day going. I was probably going to win, have a drink, maybe eat some porkchooooo shit!

Mirage dodged the incoming flyer, how ever as it passed him it grabbed onto wraith. 

He ran past her but quickly stopped dead in his tracks when he heard her scream....she wasn't breaking free and the flyer was starting to carry her away.

Mirage:just phase!

Wraith:I can't!! My arms stuck!!

He looked to his left to see another flyer diving for him, but to his surprise it was quickly shot out of the air. 


mirage spun around to see Gibraltar motioning for him to follow.

Gibraltar:let's move it bruddah! There's more on the way. And there's a drop ship coming to pick us up!


He looked back at wraith who was still struggling to break free and getting further away by the second.

Gibraltar:look I'm all for helping people, but she's long gone! There's way to many of those things to fight!

There was a hemlock dropped on the floor, maybe if he grabbed it he could help...or get himself killed.

Mirage:god dammit...

Mirage bolted towards the flyer, grabbed the hemlock and loaded it.


He got below the flyer and aimed at its head.

Mirage:ok got this, why wouldn't you? It's just an ugly bird hundreds of feet in the air.

He fired at its feet and it quickly dropped wraith sending her tumbling to the ground. He ran over and helped her up.

Wraith:I'm fine!

Mirage:your welcome!

He looked around to see that Gibraltar had vanished.

Wraith:you should've gone with him.

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