S2 The Times Come

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Y/n POV:

The ride back to the city was surprisingly VERY active. You and Jackson would stop talking about your win, and strangely enough this wasn't for you benefit or some stratify you thought of to gain his trust. You just felt...happy. Happy and relieved for the first time in years!

Y/n:you can't EVER underestimate the havoc again! Let me tell you somthin-

Jackson:no no no! My shield carries that entire match! Did you see how confused they looked when I just popped it down?

You both continued to laugh the ride away, eventually quoting down when the pilot stated that you were about to land.

Jackson:so how will we know if we're legends or not?

Y/n:one of two things will happen. Either A the commissioner of the games will greet us in front of the crowd to announce our new standing. Or will at least tell us we have the options of becoming a legend. If he's not available the a government official should greet us, again that's IF they think we're capable of being legends.

Jackson:but we beat the qualifiers! That should be enough right?

Y/n:they changed it over the years, now they're VERY picky with who they let in.

Jackson:so...if they don't accept us?

Y/n:then we take the money we won and run it again.

Jackson:how many times?

Y/n:until they accept us...that's all we can really do. Look we killed a legend! If that ain't enough to prove we're good to go for the apex games then I don't know what is! Plus the people love a good comeback story.

You gestured to Jackson's armor.

Jackson:still feels weird trying to be someone I'm not...

Y/n:you've done great so far. I just hope you can keep up if we make it into the games.



He leaned back in his chair and shook his head.

Jackson:so uhh what do we say once we step out? Regardless if we get in or not.

Y/n:what do we say? WHAT DO WE SAY?!

You stood up from your seat and walked towards the exit hatch that would soon open.

Y/n:we rub our win right in there smug little faces! You know how many people said we'd lose? God I've never felt so good in my life! You should to!

Jackson:yeah you know what? Your right! I mean let's not overdue it we don't want the fans to hate us but...

Y/n:yeah of course.

The ship gave a quick but violent shake when it finally touched the ground. You could hear the cheering coming from outside. The doors slowly began to open...

Y/n:look don't be disappointed if we don't make it. I'm sure we can just-

You were cut off when the doors finally opened and revealed a certain high standing political figure standing there to welcome you both.


Newcastle:duardo Silva! You're the one greeting us?!

Duardo:you both went above and beyond what was expected of you in that match. A teammate down, terrible landing spot, and on top of all that you both managed to slay a legend!

He continued to talk specifically to Newcastle offering him continuous praise while giving you a subtle stare almost as if to say "well done". He brought you both to the center stage, thousands of people were cheering you on.

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