S2 Pristine Living

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Y/n POV:

It had been hours since the takeoff and so far you hadn't moved from the bed. Most people would feel a sense of excitement or joy after being away from home for so long. but all you felt was DREAD. What would you when you saw 'him' again?

Newcastle:what're you stressing about now?

you groaned while still on the bed. Kairi was taking the first watch just outside the room while Jackson remained inside killing time.

Y/n:you ever even heard of Jeremiah? He's as ruthless as he is cunning.

Newcastle:come on no ones invincible-

Y/n:see thats just it! you're thinking about it like its a fight! He docent play by those rules, he knows your insides and outs before you even open your mouth! He can kill mountains of people with the flick of his hand-

you rubbed your eyes.

Y/n:my dad was an IDIOT to ever trust a bastard like that.

Valk:so your dad got you into all of this?

You sat up from your bed and saw Kairi standing downstairs.

Valk:shifts done. you two slept at all?

Newcastle:me? Sure. Can't say the same for him though.

Valk:I'll handle it.

she put a Hand on his shoulder as he walked out the door. After he left she looked up at you with a hand on her hip almost giving a small smirk.

Valk:come on.


Valk:get down here. You clearly ain't gonna get any rest so we might as well lower your blood pressure a little bit.

You slowly made your way down to the living room and sat down on the couch. Kyrie crossed her legs and sat down on the couch a few feet away from him.  Even sitting down you shifted around uncomfortably

Valk:you need to stop.

Y/n:stop what?

Valk:y/n the more you think about the worst possible scenario the more likely it's bound to happen.

Y/n:but what if-

Valk:stop. Just stop.

She seemed a bit more serious than usual. Kyrie always had a laid back "we can do anything" attitude about her but from the moment the three of you stepped on the ship she seemed genuinely concerned.

Valk:I ever tell you about the days building up to when I met the commissioner? The one thing I built up to my whole life....worked for years to find the bastard.

Y/n:you must've felt amazing when you finally got to him-

Valk:i was terrified.

This caused you to look towards her, now sitting up on the couch. The look on her face seemed like she could hardly believe she was telling you this.

Valk:I mean the entire time I'm heading to where he's at I'm thinking...what was I gonna do? Would I say anything or should I just pop him the moment I see him? If I did, would I make it out? Hundreds of questions were going through my head, until eventually I came to just one logical thought. Fuck it.

You raised an eyebrow a bit confused at that statement.

Valk:fuck it. No ones ever prepared for a moment in their life as big as this one. Either pick a plan and try to see it through, or just play it by ear. Thats what I did, and I think its what you should do to.

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