The party

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Y/n POV:

Y/n:I'm gonna regret this.

Mirage:wait seriously?!


Mirage:I mean, I WAS joking but if your actually gonna do this-

Y/n:just go pick a song you Doofus!

Mirage laughed and made his way to the juke box.

Y/n:ok...I got this. What could go wro- actually it's best I don't say that.

You approached wattsons table, she looked beautiful in the white dress she was wearing. with her was lifeline and Bangalore, They were dressed up to and seemed to be talking about things they could add to the games.

Lifeline:what about a health station?

Bangalore:nah, what they need to add is rocket launchers! You know how much fun that would be?

Wattson:i think The syndicate has almost broken through the respawn research! With me and Ajays help of course.

Y/n:what dose that mean?

You caught there attention and sat In the available chair. means will have to use live rounds. But they'll still be able to bring us back! It also won't just be for legends, it can be for anyone!

Y/n:that sounds great!

Ajay dint look as exited about the idea

Lifeline:it comes at a cost.


Wattson:well, based on the research they think the materials required for respawn omg will cost a large margin. Meaning we will have to pay In order to be brought back.

Y/n:how much will it cost?

She looked down at her legs.

Wattson:5,000 credits...give or take.

Bangalore almost spit out her drink and you  were taken back.


Wattson:I'm sure you have enough for it!

Ajay:of course he dose! We all do! But what about normal people? People that don't have that kind of money?

Wattson:I...don't know.

You decided to go to her defense.

Y/n:look if anyone jumps into the games they KNOW what can happen to them. If they die then that's THERE choice, it's not our fault they were stupid. And plus we can't blame it all on Natalie, she's just trying to help when she can.

Ajay slouched a bit.  And you saw wattson five you a smile and mouth the words "thank you".

Wattson trust +10

Bangalore:you can't save everyone ajay. I learned that the hard way.

Bangalore patted her on the shoulder, causing her to give a slight smile. Afterwords she sat up and decided to change the subject.

Ajay:speaking of which, were gonna be swing you on the island tomorrow. 

Bangalore:can't wait!

She cracked her knuckles causing you to give a small chuckle.

Y/n:you seen my gadget yet? You think your cute little guns are gonna hurt me?

Wattson:I actually studied it!

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