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A/n I'd just like to put a disclaimer that I've never really seen what psmathe looks like so I'm just going off of research, pictures and off the top of my head.

Y/n POV:

You continued to pack whatever you could into a small backpack, you were only staying a few days so you figured that you wouldn't need much but you still wanted to be sure. Ajay also told you to bring something warm to wear as psmathe was freezing cold. You also couldn't believe what you did last night, you broke a promise that you made to your self years ago! And you couldn't stop thinking about it...about her. You had just finished packing when you heard a ring at you elevator door.

Y/n:who is it?

Octane:who do you think amigo?

You rolled your eyes and opened the elevator doors shortly afterwords octane shot through knocking over a few items in your room.

Y/n:hey! Come on man slow down!

Octane:oh you did NOT just say that to me!

He started to go even faster and faster knocking over even more stuff.

Y/n:for fucks sake! 

You grabbed your shield battery and held it in front of octanes path, causing him to run straight into it and fall you the ground.

Octane:quick thinking!

Y/n:you done? 

He was wearing jeans and a green and grey hoodie.

Octane:si for now anyways.

He got up and shook himself off.

Y/n:the hell are you even doing here?

Octane:ajay wanted me to come and grab you, plus I was bored.

Y/n:when are you not bored?

You zipped up your backpack and put it on.

Octane:you do NOT want to know the answer to that amigo! Though I'd LOVE to ride one of this titians you pilots well....pilot.

You shook your head.

Y/n:your the last person in the outlands that needs a titan.

You entered the elevator with octane quickly following.

Octane:why?! What could I possibly do?

You held out your hand and started to count on your fingers.

Y/n:destroy a building, kill civilians, misuse your gun, destroy your titan, use a nuclear eject-

Octane:there's a nuclear eject?! Awesome!!! How much would a titan cost?

Y/n:if you want one that won't break down in two days or explode the second you embark...I'd say around 10,000,000 credits.

His exited face quickly dropped.

Octane:eeeh, and if I get a cheap one?

Y/n:it'll explode before you can even use it.


You kicked the ground.

Y/n:oh relax titans are super complex anyways it would take you MONTHS just to figure out how to walk.

Octane smirked.

Octane:you would know a lot about titans wouldn't you? 


Octane:what's your CRAZIEST memory in a titan?


Octane:come on!

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