S2 The Madman

596 23 9

??? POV:

Multiple syndicate guards were surveying the remains of a destroyed and looted convoy. The leader was crouched ahead of them examining a burnt body.

Grunt:what is it doctor?

The leader amongst them was dressed completely different from them, wearing a long grey coat with a green shirt and black jeans. The man also seemed to have some sort of medical equipment starched to him. As well as a massive medical device attached to his back, and by attach I mean LITERALLY. The device seemed to go through his jacked and be infused with his skin, the rest of his body looked slightly modified as well.

(Think cyberpunk robotic skin.)

Grunt 2:we should lock him up after that little prison break stunt...

The grunt raised his rifle but his buddy forced him to lower his weapon.

Grunt:if Silva says it can slide then it can slide.

Grunt2:what can this cunt offer us that gives him free reign to do whatever he wants to our people?!

???:results, Mr. Kennedy.

The second grunt looked shocked.

Grunt2:how the hell-?!

???:you have a habit of looking through your bills while riding in vehicles. Your name was one of many things I found out after having a read myself.

Grunt2:you stay quiet!

???:You special awareness must be adequate at best, I wonder how you even made it this far in the first place-

Grunt2:enough of this!

In a matter of seconds the doctor drew his pistol, shot the hunt out of the man's arms the holstered his gun back in his jacket. The guard was left dumbfounded, his friend however seemed unsurprised.

???:as I said, results.

He then knelt down and continued to examine the corpse.

???:After Bolt Mr. Silva has been QUITE paranoid. Along with the rest of the syndicate.

Guard:all do respect sir you didn't know bolt, you should've seen how quick he could move.

???:it wasn't just about his combat skill boy...he rallied every. Last. Legend. All to repel the syndicates plans as a means to gain power, because of him their foothold on the outlands now remains unclear. Not that it matters much to me.

Guard:and now?

???:now? Now there might be a chance that another uprising could happen, Mr Bolt had many friends and ally's before he passed...and if that happens again? I doubt you people will be able to contain it. If you people can't handle one measly pilot...

He got up and held some sort of recording device in his hands.

???:then I doubt you can handle anything else that stumbles your way. However the syndicate knows that I, unlike you fools...can handle anything. I'm the reason your little company remains safe, never forget that. Silva won't.

The two both remained silent as the doctor struggled to activate the device. It had an advanced lock on it, if it was forced to be unlocked there was a chance the device would explode.

Guard:....what's your game zero? Who's side are you really on?

Zero:the side that allows me to continue my work without consequence.

Gurnt2:(scoff) madman...

He turned his attention back to the device.

Zero:left on the corpse yes...clearly syndicate made...but how-

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