New beginnings(Stories from the outlands)

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A lone jump ship was entering the atmosphere of a planet that houses a certain fire that could've changed the outlands forever.

Pilot POV:

Captain:Phantom 3-1 requesting to enter orbit to amethyst station.

Outlaw1-1:Roger 3-1 I need you to tap the breaks and enter the atmosphere slowly the heat and radiation from the crashed ships means you'll have to take this slow.

Captain:you heard him pilot take it slow.

Pilot:aye captain!

As the ship slowly entered the atmosphere the pilots eyes widened.


Grunt:we're the only ones that know about this?

Outlaw1-1:syndicate kept this strictly hidden from the public, I can see why now.

Pilot:uh sir?

Captain:where do you want us outlaw?

Outlaw1-1:we're gonna try checking the destroyers first.


Outlaw1-1:also don't forget to check the captains cabin, heard they got some nice stuff in there...

Captain:that's not what we're here for!

Pilot:sir! I'm detecting life sighs ALREADY on the facility!

Outlaw1-1:yeah we see it, probably an animal or something.

Pilot:an animal that can survive radiation sir?

He sighed

Outlaw1-1:fine, phantom 3-1 go check it out but be back on 5 minutes Hephaestus it's your ass!

Grunt:dammit y/n! Your an agent not a dumpster diver!

You laughed.

Y/n:I'm sure it's nothing we'll be in and out clean, take control of the ship while I get my mask on.

The ship landed and you quickly put your mask on, when the hatch opened and you and a small team of grunts left the ship, the hole team marveled in awe at the pure destruction that came to the facility.

Y/n:right everyone, cameras on. Syndicate wants this destruction data.

Your team switched on your body cams, the higher ups wanted to see how bad the damage was up close.

Grunt2:no way we're salvaging this.

Grunt:what the hell happened here?

Y/n:battle the size of gridiron by guys should've seen the explosion.

The further you walked into the station the worse things got, fires, broken Titans, and god knows how many corpses.

Grunt:hey! Life signs getting close!

You looked on your map and saw the dot right on top of your team.

Y/n:what?...but where-

Suddenly you felt a hand grab your leg.


You quickly kicked it off to see that there was a man trapped under the debris.

Y/n:oh my god...hey I've got a survivor over here! Help me get this off of him!

You and three other grunts lifted the massive peace of debris and threw it to the side, the man was heavily wounded, almost all of his armor was gone and half of his face looked like it was burned clean off.

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