S2 Forever Family (Crypto Favor)

184 10 3

Y/n POV:

Y/n:sure, I can spare a minute or two.

Crypto:you sure? You only just got back.

Y/n:if it's just a pick up job then I doubt it'll take too long.

Octane:that mean I gotta go and do some boring volunteer work?!

Y/n:oh suck it up dude you'll be fine.

He was dragged away by lifeline giving several upset groans and cries.

Y/n:what a baby...

Crypto:you get used to it around here.

Y/n:so what's the mark?

Crypto:sure you're up for it? You only just got back.

Y/n:trust me after this I'm heading straight to bed, but right now I need a distraction.

Crypto:so long as you stay focused.

You followed him to the entrance of the ship as you both continued talking.

Crypto:there isn't any "mark" it's a package drop off. It's in the more sketchy part of the city, nothing serious but I wanted to bring someone who knew what they were doing.

Y/n:cool. You mind if I drop this off in my room?

You gestured to the package you were holding.

Crypto:be quick about it.

You dropped by your room and threw your package back on the bed. The second you got back you would open it. 


You always took cryptos words seriously, but when he said sketchy he really wasn't kidding. The difference between here and the center of the city was night and day, where there would usually be several merchent stands and shops now stood homeless tents and buildings with holes made by explosives.

Y/n:what's with the bomb residue?

Crypto:this areas where most of the outlands most wanted to their business. Even though half the enforcers who even come down here are paid off, some come for genuine drug busts, bounties...things like that. What you're looking at is the aftermath of some of those raids.

Y/n:syndicate really hasn't sent any aid?

Crypto:oh they have. These people just can't help themselves.

Y/n:what's does that mean?

Crypto:it means once a thief, always a thief. At least to these people. They could be sitting on the world's largest supply of credits and rations and they'd STILL have the need to take something.

Y/n: "a man who has everything is bored but at peace, a man who owns some things is happy but will always be at war"

Crypto:guessing you didn't just make that up on the fly.

Y/n:my dad told it to me when I was a kid. Said that the only people who say "money isn't everything" are people who haven't attained it yet.

You both continued to walk, arriving at the building which looked like a run down apartment complex you finished your conversation about your parents with one last quote from your dad.

Y/n: "happiness or safety. You can't have both, and I can guarantee you when the time comes for you to choose you'll regret it either way."

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