What happened to us?

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Many years ago.

Mirage POV:

???:Elliot! Elliot you know we're gonna find you!

The boy laughed as he set up a hologram trap in his moms barn. He then ran and hid around a corner Waiting for his brothers to come in, he heard the barn door open and then heard a scream. Only it wasn't one of his brothers.


a hologram of Elliot sprang out of the trap and spooked a young y/n causing Elliot to burst out laughing, Elliot's oldest brother John ran in and smiled at Elliot then looked at y/n who fell straight on his ass.

Y/n:where did you even find that?!

Elliot:it was one of my birthday presents from my mom! She knows I love that stuff.

John:more like you love to annoy us with it. I told mom not to give you your presents early!

Mirage:ah potato potato! Who cares?

Y/n:us! We kinda wanted to surprise you, I guess we kinda ended up doing the opposite. 

The three of you continued to laugh.

Elliot:ok now I'm board.

John:attention span of a watermelon...


Y/n:I heard there's cake inside. But what do I know-


He sprinted out of the barn and into the house leaving you and John alone. Both of your expressions quickly changed to worried once he left.

John:one of us is gonna have to tell him.

Y/n sighed.

John:I know. Just...not today.

John:Y/n we're leaving in two days if we don't tell him now he might not ever forgive us.

John started to pace not quite knowing what to do.

John:can you tell him?

Y/n:what? Your his brother!

John:i know but- even though your older than him you have a pretty good connection to him your close to him, maybe even closer then me.

Y/n:you know that's not true.

He smiled.

John:still, is rather gave you tell him.


John:look the older he gets the more he's gonna realize how nasty things are in the real world, he needs someone to lean on besides us. And if we don't come back...he's gonna need someone to look after him, if you aren't with him He's gonna see things that he wish he hadn't and do things that he'll regret for the rest of his life. Elliot has a hard time letting go...That's why he needs you. That's why you should be the one to tell him.

He walked out of the barn leaving you alone.


You sat inside Elliot's house with his mom and brothers.

All:happy birthday to you!

Elliot blew out his candles while also spitting on the in tire cake by accident causing you all to laugh.

Y/n:that's just nasty!

Mrs Witt:what did you wish for sweetie?

Elliot:I'm not allowed to say!

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