Legend tower

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Y/n POV:
"This one"

Y/n POV:                                          "This one"

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Mirage:wait, your actually gonna pick it?

Y/n:I hate the way it looks...but the perks are way to good to pass up.

Mirage:yah like I said it'll make your jump kit pretty quiet, plus you'll be able to use your jump kit a lot more than usual. Your battery's gonna be pretty unprotected though.

Y/n:I'll manage. So what's next?

Mirage:throw that on and meet me in the back.

When mirage walked away you looked at the armor,  he was right. It almost looked like an exact copy of your armor...just with different colors. You reached to touch the helmet but once you did you heard a memory screaming in the back of your head

???:where the hell are they?!

Y/n:they'll be here! They have to be! 

You grabbed your head and winced at the memory, how long had it been since you wore pilot armor? Since you fought for the militia? You were only a teenager when you were enlisted, but despite your young age you still managed to work your way up.

Y/n:(don't think of it as a memory y/n, just put the damn armor on and go)


You stepped out into the area behind the bar as you finished up putting on your armor, you still had your helmet off as it was attached to your waist. It looked like mirage had set up and stacked a bunch of barrels in the corner.

Mirage:alright now for the fun part.

He walked over to a table and slapped a shield battery with a wire attached to it. You looked at it skeptically.

Y/n:aaaaand your sure it's safe?

Mirage:for the last time this guys knows what he's doing! Now come on! Put it on!

You shook your head and grabbed the battery, then attached the wire to a hole in your lower back.  You stared at the battery for a second.

Mirage:well go on! Charge it up.

You sighed, then finally used the battery. Your entire suit started to glow with light blue electricity, it but a little bit at first but after a few seconds you felt like you could run through a mountain!

Mirage:alright, hit the barrels!

You bolted toward the barrels and smashed through them with ease, some of them even going into peoples windows.

Man:hey! What the hell?!


You shut the shield battery's and took a deep breath.


Y/n:it works.


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