A.t. (Wraith) The many paths (wraith favor)

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This is after the chapter 'worlds edge' you decided to ale up the wraith favor option. Obviously the Wattson favor and the stuff that occurred on psamathe don't happen.

You crumbled up the letter from crypto and called wraith.

Y/n:I'll be there, where do you want to meet?

Wraith:hanger on the drop ship, were going to...'borrow' a ship.

You smiled and shook your head.

Y/n:alright but if we get caught it's on your head.

Wraith:that's fine, I don't have a problem with taking the blame.

Y/n:...that was sarcasm Renee.


You chuckled.

Y/n:we have got to work on your social skills.

Wraith:just...meet me at the ship!

She sounded a little embarrassed as she hung up.

Y/n:scuse me...


You arrived on the drop ship and went straight to mirages room.

Y/n:Elliot! Hey my guy I need ya for something!

He stumbled out of his room like he just woke up from a nap.

Mirage:is a bit busy-

Y/n:doing what! Counting sheep?

Mirage:and being the best legend of all time...among other things.

Y/n:just come on I need you for something personal.

Mirage:just like that? Weeeell-

Y/n:wraith is gonna be there.

Mirage:so where are we going?

You both made your way to the hanger, you noticed that there was a bit of commotion going on behind the third dropship so you went to investigate. When you went around the corner of the dropship you saw wraith knocking one guy out while anther went to attack her. You quickly stopped him by hitting him obverse the head with your knife, she noticed you two and gave a sigh of relief when she dropped the unconscious guard.

Wraith:you two are a bit late don't you think?

Y/n:hey thanks y/n for saving my ass!

Wraith:yeah...thank you. I mean it.

Mirage:ah! Look at that some gratitude for once!

Wraith:not to you idiot.

Mirage:why dose everyone call me that?


Mirage:do NOT answer that!

You both boarded the dropship and looked around.

Wraith:either of you know how to fly?

Y/n:you don't?


Mirage:oh for the love of-

Y/n:it's fine, I do. Somewhat anyways.

The take off was a little shaky but you managed to get out of the hanger and into the air.

Y/n:where are we off to anyways?

Wraith:kings canyon.

Mirage:excuse me? That's off limits!

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