Pest problem (bloodhound favor)

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Y/n POV:

Hound:how can you be sure?

Bangalore:if those things really were down there then they've either rotted or been scrapped for parts. I doubt what they saw was as they said.

Y/n:sorry, what's going on? Why is hound looking like there about to blow up?

Bangalore:hunter over here says that there people in there old village might be in trouble.

Y/n:why? Usually villages like that are pretty remote. And I doubt someone would want to rob it or take it over.

Hound:true, but I've received a letter from the chief of the village. He said that his farmers heard strange noises coming from the trees, so he sent 10 hunters to investigate. Only two returned in a panic, continently screaming "metal giant!" "Metal giant!"

You were starting to catch on.

Y/n:metal giants huh?

You looked to Anita.

Y/n:that why you need us?

Hound:if there's anyone one this ship who knows these beasts it's the two of you, Your practically experts.

Bangalore:I told you there's no way any titans would be down there! And even if there are they ain't gonna be functional now.

Hound:I can't take that chance.

Y/n:she is kinda right though, even if there are a few old titans down there the parts and wording would've decayed by now without proper maintenance and cleaning.


She looked behind her towards the cameras set up across the ship.

Bangalore:Even if we wanted to help you...syndicates got this place on lockdown.

Hound:no doubt cause of the trouble you caused bolt.

Anita groaned.

Bangalore:they saw you dint they?

Hound:it was a good lie, anyone else might've fallen for it. I know your both hiding something, perhaps the other legends should know?


Bangalore:keep your mouth shut!

Hound:then find us a way off this ship and to my village by tonight, otherwise you and the rest of the legends will be having a long chat.

They then walked back to there room to sharpen there axe as you and Anita gave a frustrated sigh.

Y/n:can't get a minutes piece huh?

To your surprise you saw her crack a smile.

Bangalore:ya think? Surprised your still kicking.

Bangalore trust +5

Y/n:I'm a soldier I get by, speaking of which how the hell do we get outta here without alerting the syndicate.

Bangalore:security's top notch, but the looks of it the syndicate ain't playing around. We get caught and it'll be our heads.



Y/n:giant hatch in the center of the ship? Maybe we could jump out when we're above hound village?

Bangalore:they'd definitely notice that.

You rubbed your chin.

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