A.T. (Wraith) in another life

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Y/n POV:

In a separate dimension, many years ago. We see a much younger wraith and y/n, wraith is currently trying to grab a present that y/n had been wanting to give her for awhile now.

Wraith:y/n give it!

Y/n:I don't know you sound like you dint want it!

Knowing you were taller you dangled the box over her head. She finally gave a frustrated sigh and kicked you in the balls causing you to drop it. She then picked up the present with a smirk.

Wraith:I win.

Y/n:that's...not fair?

Wraith:says who?


You cut yourself of when she gave you a glare.

Y/n:of course...it's fine.

Wraith:uh huh.

Y/n:ya gonna open it sore winner?

She rolled her eyes and opened the box, her eyes went wide once she saw her gift. She then laughed

Wraith:the scarf? From the store down by that old pawn shop?

Y/n:don't play dumb i saw you eyeing it for months. I new you just dint have enough time to get it so...you know.

She smiled, then gave you a tight hug.

Wraith:thank you...I mean it.

Y/n:yeah sure thing.

You then felt her grip loosen, you could tell something was wrong.

Y/n:what's wrong Renee?

Wraith:you've been doing so much stuff for me recently...why?

She let go of you and looked you in the eye.

Wraith:before that you just seemed so...distant. What's going on?

You gave her a troubled look and tried to think of something. Once she realized she put her hand up to stop you from talking anymore and sighed.

Wraith:your enlisting aren't you?

You were both silent for what felt like minuets.

Y/n:Renee listen-

Wraith:oh goddammit you are!

She ran her hand threw her hair.

Y/n:listen I have to ok? There isn't a choice for me!

Wraith:yes there is! God y/n do you k ow how bad it is right now? How many people have died?!

Y/n:yes!!! That's why I'm going! I've buried to many friends and family to just standby and watch this any longer! What do y out expect me to do?

She grabbed your hands.

Wraith:stay here! With me! You can help in your own way just-

Y/n:by what? Hiding? Those militia terrorists WONT give in and now there doing god knows what! What happens if they win?!

Wraith:your one man! How are you gonna change anything?

You thought for a moment

Y/n:I'm gonna kill that bastard Cooper!

She scoffed then started to give an angry laugh.

Wraith:the legendary militia pilot? Have you lost your damn mind?!

Y/n:he blew up my home! OUR home! I can take him on you watch!

Wraith:he's killed more people than all the pilots we have combined! He'll mop the floor with you!

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