S2 Bit of a Problem (fuse favor)

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Y/n POV:

You approached fuse who had a nasty wound on his hip, mirage was doing his best to treat it but without DOC he wasn't making much progress.

Mirage:you there! New guy! Can you get that medical drone over here please?

Y/n:poor guys already busy with like four other people. It's gonna be a bit before he can get to him.

Mirage:uhh...alright can you put pressure on this while I go try to find some medical supplies? Please?!

Y/n:course. That won't be a problem.

Fuse:look at the new blood having a heart...

You rolled your eyes and knelt down next to fuses wound.

Mirage:on three. One...two-

The moment he let go you practically slammed your hands on fuses wound, he gave a small grunt of pain but other than that everything else seemed fine.

Mirage:ok just hang in there! I'll be back soon!

The both of you stood there in silence as you contemplated what to do about her wound.

Fuse:not much of a talker are you mate?

Y/n:I'm trying to figure out what the hell to do with your wound. Even with this pressure you're losing WAY to much blood.

Fuse:any ideas brainiac?


You activated one singular drone, it then floated beside your head starring at fuses wound.

Y/n:I could cauterize it with this little guy.


Y/n:you ain't gonna be thinking that much lo get if we go along with this.

Fuse:how much time I got?

Y/n:To put it nicely? I doubt your little friend isn't gonna make it in time.

He leaned his head back and gave a massive sigh of frustration.

Fuse:this is gonna hurt isn't it?

Y/n:very much yes.

He gave a small laugh.

Fuse:well at least your honest....go on get it over with.

Your drone slowly began to take position in front of his wound, the moment you released your pressure and moved your hand was when it would begin to fire its laser.

Y/n:I know this is gonna hurt like hell but I need you to stay PERFECTLY still ok? If not this things gonna cut way to deep and you'll be dead in seconds.

Fuse:no pressure right?

Y/n:your still joking around?

Fuse:sorry kid...keeps me calm in situations like these.

Y/n:just- (sigh) hold still ok?



Y/n:one last thing.


Y/n:what's your favorite gun?

Fuse:my favorite whAAAAAA!!!!

The drone began the procedure. Firing its laser only a small bit into fuses wound, though that didn't stop him from giving loud grunts of pain causing a few legends to look over. When your drone finally finished up and deactivated itself fuse gave a massive sigh of relief and practically collapsed back onto the sand.

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