A/n Hephaestus abilites and voicelines

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Tactical(smith drones):Hephaestus uses 6 drones to dominate the battlefield, these drones have three modes which the player can cycle through by holding the ability button.

1st mode(Shieldsmiths):send your drones to create a OVERSHIELD for a single teammate. These drones can also passively regen Shields for your selected teammate when they're out of combat.

2nd mode(Seekersmiths):send a swarm of drones to seek out an enemy player, if the drones spot an enemy player they will charge towards them at an alarming speed. If the drones managed to hit they player then the player will be marked, the drones will also give off a loud screeching noise so confuse the enemy player.

3rd mode(Blacksmiths):send out your drones to hold a weapon for you, this can be used almost like a third weapon slot. HOWEVER if you send out your blacksmith drones again while they're holding a weapon they will COMBINE that weapon with the other one you selected and create a new one.
(Example: sentinel+havoc = triple take. Alternator + re-45 = r-99. R-301 + hemlock = spitfire.)

Passive(smiths intuition):ammo you need will be highlighted through walls, you also see how much ammo your teammates have left.

Ultimate(the forge):have your drones combine and transform into a portable weapons forge. This forge can create two things...

One:any red weapon currently in the care package.

Two:a electric grenade which when thrown does no damage...however does prevent any players caught in its radius from firing their weapons for 5 seconds. This grenade detonates on impact.

What do you think about his kit? How do you think it would be in the actual game? Would YOU make any changes?

Voice lines

Select screen:1.can't use the lack of gear as an excuse for dying with me around anymore huh? 2. Free mods if we win! (Laughs) nah I'm kidding I-I can't afford that... 3.alrighty- wait you guys? Seriously? I'm Joking! We got this!

Champion screen:1.some legends you guys turned out to be if your losing to me! 2.if THIS is the lot I'm up against then I'm pretty sure my title is safe. 3. You third party me I'll shove this forge up your ASS!!  Ya hear?!

Jump master:1.jump master Hephaestus ready and willing...I think. 2.o-oh yeah now one of y'all take this! 3.I-I'm just gonna close my eyes and dive so hang in tight!

Dropship:1.right there! Got a feeling, mostly a guess. 2.oh we gotta go here! 3.how bout here- GAH! I looked down!

Dropping:1.AAAAAAH!!! 2.how do you people ENJOY this?! 3.land on your feet! Land on your feet! Land on your feet!

Pinging:1.maybe here? 2.let's swing by here yeah? 3.y'all mind if I check out over here? Cool. 4.just gonna check out this way, y'all have fun here though.

Spotted enemy:1.got one, all on his own to! Heh poor guy. 2.this poor bastards about to get a world of hurt. 3.got one here! Any last minute crafts before we go in? 4.enemy heading right for us!

Taking damage:1.taking VERY painful shots! 2.where'd they get THOSE guns from?!

Grenade:1.aw hell Grenade! 2.grenade! Everyone split! 3.uh fellas is that a grenade?

Down:1.GAH! Your support is DYING! Help! 2.I'm down! Good looking gun though... 3.I'm in the dirt! Need some help!

Revived:1.see? Knew you had your uses! 2.nice shots! Thanks a bunch. 3.YOU my friend are my favorite person of the day.

Respawned:1.I saw god and he shoved my back down here! Jerk! 2. That was a SERIOUS out of body experience. 3. And we're back! Uh...where the hell am I?

Legend interaction

Newcastle and Hephaestus

Thank you

Y/n:so are you gonna still keep this Newcastle gig after you know who found out ooor...?

Your welcome

Newcastle:for now...and no you can't have my helmet.

Thank you

Newcastle:gotta make me one of those drones someday man!

Your welcome

Y/n:I'll see what I can do, pretty sure YOU of all people deserve one.


Newcastle:and this the...8th no 9th time I've saved your but. (Laughs)

Y/n:I'm sure it's easy to stay up when you're practically wearing a tank on your chest!

Y/n:aw does little Jackie need a hand aid?

Newcastle:ha ha...keep that same energy when I get you back up.


Rampart and Hephaestus

Thank you

Rampart:was wonderin when we'd get a new weapons geek! Now lemme see those drones!

Your welcome

Y/n:hey hey hey! I respect the enthusiasm but let's take it slow ok?

Octane and Hephaestus

Thank you

Octane:let's go lackey! See if you can keep up!

Your welcome

Y/n:you trying to blow my cover?!

When it's just octane and Hephaestus

Thank you

Y/n:Duardo said you can give me information on a possible threat?

Your welcome

Octane:si si...but let's not talk business while kick ass!!!


Thank you

Octane:they'll find out eventually amigo...they ain't stupid.

Your welcome

Y/n:when that day comes I'll be ready.

Mirage and Hephaestus

Thank you

Mirage:so could you make a MIRAGE statue gun if you really wanted to or...?

Your welcome

Y/n:if I had that time...maybe? Define mirage statue.

Wraith and Hephaestus

Thank you

Y/n:yeah thanks-....y-your eyes. Are you alright? Why are they glowing?

Your welcome

Wraith:don't ask...please. It's a story I'd rather not recall.

Obviously I'm missing tones of other legends voice lines plus voice lines for squadwipes and other things...I'll put some more in later at future chapter but for now? Post some voice lines that YOU thought of in the comments just like before! I'm pretty eager to see what you guys can come up with after all this time!

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