Championship on the line

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Y/n POV: 

You woke up early, 6:30 to be precise, you could hardly sleep last night since you knew what was going to go down today.  you threw on a shirt and looked out your window thinking how today would go. You knew that wraith and bloodhound would probably have it out for you since you took one of there teammates away from them...but you still felt like you had a hood chance. Especially since you had a squad of your own. You couldn't go back to sleep so you decided to just walk around your room, messing with the glasses and plates, Taking apart your guns and putting them back together, and so on. You heard a ring at the elevator door and got up to answer it.


Gibraltar:couldn't sleep either huh?

You gave a small chuckle before opening the doors. Makoa walked in and stretches his arms.

Y/n:couldn't stop thinking about today.

Gibraltar:yah I can never sleep before these things either, to focused.

Y/n:you talk to wraith or hound since the party?

He shrugged and sat on the couch in your living room.

Gibraltar:wraith seems to have calmed down, but hound still seems bent on finding you in the arena.

Y/n:they tend to hold tight grudges huh? 

Gibraltar:there people are like that.

You sat on the couch next to him and sighed. You then looked at him and finally realized what he was wearing.

Y/n:you already threw your armor on?

Gibraltar:we only have a few more hours till we gotta get to the escort.

You looked at him confused.

Y/n:you mean the ship?

Gibraltar:ah right forgot this is your first game, in legend matches we usually hop in a fancy car or something. It takes us to the center of the city where the ship is.

Y/n:though the ship was docked waaay outside of the city?

Gibraltar:it is, until there's a legend match. That's when it docks here in the city.


The two of you talked for the next couple of hours, getting to know each other more and more.

Y/n:he lost his arm?!

Gibraltar:yah, he saved me though.

Y/n:damn...your pops must me a great guy.

He chuckled

Gibraltar:that he is. What about your dad?

You frowned and turned away.

Y/n:he was an ass.

Gibraltar:sorry to hear that...

Y/n:don't be, he died of alcohol poisoning when I was 14.  Worst 14 years of my life. Then after my mom was killed...I promised that I'd NEVER get that close to anyone ever again.

Gibraltar:you promised yourself you'd never love again?


Gibraltar:well you must've broke that promise last night.


Gibraltar:I saw you and Natalie dancing-

Y/n:don't, I DID ask her if she wanted to hang out but as a friend. it's nothing more than that...and it never will be.

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