S2 Forced Foward

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Y/n POV:

Returning to the drop ship Crypto seemed much more calm than usual, a sense of relief filled his face and body.

Y/n:you gonna be ok?

Crypto:sure. Just hope she's not getting into anymore trouble, it's hard enough to keep her of the grid as it is.

Y/n:she seems competent.

Crypto:she is she just...doesn't think of the consequences sometimes.

Y/n:I'm sure she'll be fine. I've had a few run in with agents like those, pretty incompetent. Probably had to work for months just to track down which city she was in.

You stretched and yawned feeling exhausted.

Y/n:I'm off to get some sleep. You need anything else?

Crypto:I'm fine, thank you y/n.

It was weird hearing him call you by your real name, guess he really was warming up to you.


You were awoken by a beeping sound coming from somewhere inside your room. It was the middle of the night so your room was pitch black, making it easy to see where the noise was coming from. A blue light flickered a few feet away from you, as you got out of your bed and went closer you noticed that the sound was coming from the package you picked up a few months back. You elected that now was the time to open it, looking inside it seemed to be the same communication device you broke just before getting on the shuttle to Earth.

You activated it and a frustrated looking Duardo Silva appeared as a holographic image.


Duardo:quiet! You never know who's listening in on that godforsaken ship.

Y/n:whats going on?

Duardo:you didn't think it important to tell me there's a bomb threat surrounding the building I live in?!

Y/n:who'd you hear this-...octane. He never told me he notified you when I was gone.

Duardo:along with stealing that bomb thank god. Though I admit tracking down the culprits won't be as easy now.

Y/n:also what's stopping them from just building another one?

Duardo:another reason for my call. However long you thought things was going to take, your timeline has moved up.

Y/n:what do you mean?

Duardo:I mean in a few short weeks I'm moving in on this threat.

Y/n:sir! This is a DRASTIC action-

Duardo:drastic??? How am I suppose to react when the mere thought of this could kill countless people? I know it's one of the legends! Who else would have such a vendetta against the syndicate?!

Y/n:I've already put that together! And I'm close to a breakthrough in certain!

A lie, one that would buy you a few weeks but nothing more. The conversation ended when Duardo gave you an ultimatum: find the culprits who want him and the syndicate gone or he would frame the legends for countless crimes then storm the dropship with every ounce of might he had to arrest them. He wasn't just talking about safety, he was gonna shut down the games entirely! There had to be a stop to this, but how? I mean besides loba and her weird friend group-

Y/m:that's it!

It was a massive stretch but you had nothing else to go on.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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