The shadow

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Y/n POV:

As it turned out allot of the legends had the same idea about good old McCormick, every legend took a drop ship straight to where forge was being interviewed and for some reason they decided that they wanted to do the interview in sorting factory. you and the rest of the legends were standing ways away from the interview set so you wouldn't get in anyone's way, all of you were still keeping an eye out for forge after the crap he said about all of you.

Y/n:anyone else feel out of place?

Caustic:I agree, I am much more used to taking life in this island.

Mirage:speaking of which...

Man:he's here!

You saw a drop ship land and a swarm of paparazzi surround it.  The crowd was quickly separated though as you saw forge and a few body guards push past them, forge still sticking with a big fake smile to please the crowd. You cracked your knuckles.

Y/n:bout time this asshole showed up!

Bangalore:I'm gonna beat you to it.

But before you could do anything you saw lifeline jump in front of all of the legends.

Lifeline:can we not make a scene? At least not here with all the press!

Bangalore:why the hell not?

Lifeline:it creates a bad image for ya! Just gives him more fame! It's what he wants! Plus I'd rather not be embarrassed to the likes of you two!

You and Bangalore looked at each other and frowned.


Bangalore:but if he tries something again in killing him!

You then walked over to the interview area ahead of the legends so that you could have a "peaceful" chat with forge. Once he finally caught up to you he noticed you and smiled.

Forge:pilot armor...angry look...old man taste in color. You must be bolt!

You knew what he was trying to do and wouldn't budge. You just forced a smirk on your face.

Y/n:just came here to tell you that you shouldn't go around insulting the legends like that. Me? I don't care.but apex is a team game! And if you keep insulting your teammates well...I think you know how that's gonna end.

The cocky bastard was still smirking.

Forge:that a warning or a threat?

Y/n:just friendly advice uh what was it?....jimmy.

You snorted trying to contain your laughter which caused him to frown. You then turned around and started to walk away.

Wattson romanced, path unlocked. 🟢

Forge:I ain't the one getting soft on the weakest legend.

You slightly turned your head.

Y/n:excuse me?

Forge:it's pretty obvious when you two are in the same squad, you seriously think I dint do my homework on you guys? what that French lady? What was her name wattson? You ain't exactly picking the best people for teammates either friend, and I can tell you right now you might LOOK young but she's probably not proud of dating and old man either. Hell if she couldn't pay for that respawn she'd probably be in the dirt right now...just like her daddy.

This sent you, you spun around but were quickly grabbed by gibby before you could do anything rash.

Gibraltar:it ain't worth it bruddah! Cool it!

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