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(FYI this is the part where we differentiate from the current lore in the game but just trust me, we'll be back.)

Y/n POV:

A little younger than the age of 10 maybe 11 now stood I front of you and the rest of the group.

Girl:get away from me!

She grabbed the closest item, which happened to be another socket wrench and threw it into the crowd.


Gibraltar:ha! Ha! She's got an arm stronger than mine!

You slowly approached her, she looked for things to grab but there was nothing left.

Y/n:hey! Hey! Hey! Your scared right?


You smirked.


Y/n:thought so.

Hound:a lion this one.

Anita shoved them in the shoulder to shut them up.

Y/n:look can we just talk?

Girl:no! Not here! Somewhere safe!

Y/n:ok uuuh?

You looked around for a "safe" spot, on the drop ship. Admittedly not an easy spot to find on a ship that was made to transport killers, mercenary's and assassins.

Wattson:bolts room! It's the safest place on the ship.

You mouthed the words "really?!" To wattson as she shrugged and smiled.

Girl:is it?

The girl looked terrified and desperate.

Y/n:*sigh* yes but-

She bolted past you and the crowd and ran straight into your room.

Octane:ha! Looks like your a baby sitter now amigo!

Y/n:would've helped if y'all were a bit less intimidating.

Mirage:what's so intimidating about us?



Wraith:how'd she even get here?

Gibraltar:this ain't exactly a take your kid to work day place.

Guard:she's staying here.

Over 50 armed guards and specters entered the main room.

Guard:our scanners caught someone sneaking out...again.

You groaned.

Crypto:just had to play hero dint you?

Guard:until the next match tomorrow no one leaves there rooms! Now go!

Octane:aw what?! I can't stay in one place! At least bring me some bear?

Octane was slapped over the head by lifeline.

Y/n:what's with the girl?

Guard:back in your rooms! Now!

The crowed started to break apart as the legends went back to there rooms.

Mirage:to much heat buddy let's just call it a day.

He put your hand in your shoulder as your anger grew.

Y/n:I still need an explanation.

Mirage:you'll get one...Just not this second.

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