S2 Fear

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Y/n POV:

You sat in your room with two others, these two would hopefully be the ones accompanying you on your journey back to earth. From when you asked them to meet you in your room at midnight all the way to now, they could tell that something was off. You nerves seemed more off then you'd  ever been before.

Y/n:thank you both for coming...

Newcastle:you good kid?

Valkyrie:corse he isn't.

You sat on your bed, Valkyrie sat on top of your desk, and Newcastle took your chair and was sitting in the middle of the room.

Y/n:you remember way back when we first met? When I said that I was doing all of this for my family? I've finally made enough scratch. I'm heading to earth in come tomorrow.

Newcastle:well that's great! Dang man you actually did it!

He noticed the downed looks on both you and Valkyrie.

Newcastle:I mean...you are happy about this right?

Y/n:of course it's just-

Valkyrie:tell him.

You gave her a startled look.


Valkyrie:everything. It's the only way he'll understand.

Newcastle:oh I already know he's from earth. He told me a couple weeks after we first met.

Valkyrie:so he told you...everything?

Newcastle:what do you mean everything?

Valk gestured to you again.

Y/n:you better get comfy, this is gonna take some explaining.

After a long explanation of your partially true past and a lot of disgusted looks from Newcastle, it finally looked like he had made up his mind. Still with a look of disgust on his face, he only had a handful of questions left to ask.

Newcastle:so...just hard labor right?


Now Valk seemed interested.

Valkyrie:what do you mean "mostly"?

Y/n:well...some of us were assigned as servants in our CEOS mansions and such. At first the people assigned there thought they got a lucky break for once. They couldn't have been more wrong if they tried. Not sure you guys wanna here this.


Valkyrie:go on.

They both seemed intrigued, but there interest seemed to be only guided by anger. You could tell that both of them were getting more pissed by the second. Your next words were a bit shaken, you weren't scared of them, just the memories being flooded back into your head.

Y/n:w-well...if you were to old or weak the CEOS would meet up at one of the mansions and...force you to fight another house servant. Hell most of the time they hardly did it because the servant was old or weak...they were just board. The winner would return to their duties as normal, but the loser? They would have their debt DOUBLED for what they already owed. That alone is far worse than any death you can think of...so most of the time the fight they-

You tried to spit out the last sentence, but fear, anger and sorrow kept your from saying any more.

Valkyrie:they'd kill each other.

Y/n:no...not just kill. Desperation combined with all of those negative emotions that most of us had...this hopeless feeling...the fighters would practically maul themselves before one of 'em was finally dead...gouged out eyes, broken bones, torn off skin...I was only called to the mansion a few times for relaying messages or bringing supplies for the kitchen but...I witnessed around 10 fights back when I was a kid. And I remember every. Single. One of 'em-

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