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Y/n POV:

You slowly walked over to Elliot and sat next to him on his bed.

Y/n:I'm sorry.

He raised an eyebrow.

Mirage:for what?

Y/n:for not being there when you needed me. After the war I know I just shut myself off for awhile, I practically broke the promise I made to John. 

Mirage:what promise?

Y/n:told him that if they were gone, then I'd look after you. Stop you from doing something you would regret.

Mirage:well...ya kinda held up to it. You stopped me from doing something I probably would've regretted.

You turned to him.

Y/n:you don't wanna kill wraith?

Mirage:no...that wasn't me before, I'm still pissed at her but she's right. She ain't the same person anymore, plus after all she said she's Ben through...damn.

Y/n:doesn't sound pleasant.

He gave a small chuckle.

Mirage:yah...thanks y/n. For telling me about john, I know your still me friend.

Mirage trust +40.

You heard a knock at the door.

Gibraltar:bruddahs! You gotta see this!

You both gave each other a questioning look before heading out of the room, you saw that the group was surrounding a tv watching the news.

Y/n:what's going on-

All:shut it!

You put your hands up.

Y/n:ok jeez!

You saw some random body builder with a Hammond robotics arm being interviewed. Wattson stood next to you and whispered in your ear.

Wattson:people are saying he's pretty famous, might be a potential legend.

Y/n:nah, he looks strong but he won't last two seconds in the arena.

Octane:who the hells this guy?

Reporter:and how do you feel about becoming an apex legend?


Y/n:seriously?! He just looks like another Hammond robotics kiss ass!

Mirage:tell me about it, he dose the even have the looks!

The name below him read James 'the forge' McCormick.

Bangalore:ugh...gotta be kidding me, as if this day wasn't going bad enough already.

Bloodhound:you two are acquainted?

Forge:don't take this the wrong way...but me and Anita used to be a thing-

Everyone looked at Bangalore with wide eyes.

Bangalore:he tried something, ended up with a broken jaw nothin more.

You were all still looking at her.

Bangalore:Just look at the damn screen!

You all shook your heads and returned to the screen.

Reporter:and what about your comments on the other legends? Pathfinder for example?

He laughed.

Forge:that thing? You think I'm gonna let two tons of nuts and bolts get the jump on me? Let me tell you it'll be a cold day on Talos before some robot gets the better of McCormick! 

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