S2 A Day to Remember

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Y/n POV:

You had only just entered

Jackson:welcome to Harris Valley, home of Newcastle!

Y/n:seems like a pretty quiet town...

Jackson:nah we're just here pretty late, most people are either asleep or-

He was cut off by a phone ringing in his pocket.

Jackson:waiting...scuse me a sec.

He picked up the phone, you couldn't quite hear what the person on the other line was saying but you could tell that she was pissed.

Jackson:yeah I know- look there was just a-

He glanced over to you.

Jackson:small change of plans look I'm in the neighborhood right now! Just got back with them, call you when we get there.

He quickly hung up and sighed.

Y/n:and that was?


Y/n:oooh (laughs)

Jackson:don't even start.

Y/n:(laughs) I'm not I'm not!

You waved your hands up.

Y/n:I don't think I'd be able to handle the amount of heat your probably getting from her right now. That phone call sounded rough.

Jackson:you'll understand someday...maybe when you have one yourself.

You leaned back in your chair and scoffed.

Y/n:that'll be the day...

Jackson pulled the truck into the driveway of what you assumed to be his home, it was your run of the mill 2 story house. There wasn't anything wrong with that, you preferred the simple things in life anyways.

Y/n:thanks for bringing me here...and for talking.

You hopped out of the truck and began to walk down the street.

Jackson:where ya goin?

Y/n:uh, a motel or something?

Jackson:we ain't got none of those here, and even if we did I doubt you could afford it right now. plenty of shops though.

Y/n:alright uh...I'll figure something out.

Jackson:dude just get over here. I'm not letting you sleep outside in the cold.

Y/n:I'm good. Trust me I'll figure it out.

Jackson:at least come inside so my wife doesn't think I was doing nothing. You said you owe me right? 

You sighed.

Y/n:for a few minutes only.

Jackson:that's all I need.

You followed him to his front door , he began to fumble through his keys.

Jackson:now which one was it? This- nah garage. This one?

Y/n:everything ok over there?

Jackson:I got it! Just- AHA!

You heard a click and the door swung open.

Jackson:come on in.

You both stepped inside, it was VERY dark so you could hardly see anything.

Jackson:I coulda sworn that-

He was cut off when a lamp clicked on, you both quickly turned twirls the light and saw a VERY upset woman crossing both her arms and her legs while sitting down.

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