A/n ablilitys and voicelines

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Ok so In case anyone's confused on what y/n's ability's are here you go.

(Tactical)Absorb:y/n clenches his fist surrounding his armor with electricity, any damage taken will restore health. If health is full it will then restore shields, if shields are full then any extra damage taken will create a small explosion which deals no damage, however dose knock back any enemy's close enough.

(Ultimate)charge:y/n pulls out a shield battery connected to his armor, he then turns the handle and pulls it up like a normal battery. Once the battery fully charges his armor y/n is sent into a frenzy mode, not able to use weapons however is able to move extremely fast. Any enemy's he runs into take massive damage and are sent flying, y/n cannot be dealt any damage during his ult either, instead any damage taken will charge up his armor. If enough damage is taken y/ns armor will combust causing a massive explosion, instantly knocking any enemy's close by. This dose however leave y/n massively vulnerable for a short period of time.

(Passive)anti third party:once a squad has been defeated y/n and his entire squad will have a shield surround them and will not be able to take any damage. This only last 10 seconds.

Here are voice lines for his ability's and some other voice lines I missed in the first one.

Tactical: 1.take your best shot! 2.i'm waiting!!! 3.that all you got?! 4.this is pathetic! 5.ill take you all on! 6.you think that hurts me?!

Ult: 1.RUN 2.dig hole or piss off! here comes the thunder!!! 3.lets see what you got! 4.are you ready?! Here I come!!! 5.i'm coming for you! 6. Watch this!

Passive:1.fuck third party's... 2.just keep looting your fine. 3.they can't touch us for a little bit 4.catch your breath we're good. 5.is everyone ok? Good.

Finisher:y/n punches the victim once before kicking them in the head, he then picks them up and lifts them above his head bane style. Afterwords he sends a surge of electricity through there body frying them. He then tosses them to the ground and walks away.

Heirloom:y/ns heirloom would be a data knife, exactly like the ones from titan fall, this one has a bit of electricity flowing through the blade though.

Other voice lines

Air strike:1.oh shit! We got an air strike! 2.airstrike right on top of us! 3.that air strike looks pretty close- OH SHIT!

Respawned:1.well that just happened. 2.lets just pretend that dint happen. 3.don't tell mirage! 4.im baaack! 5.heeeres john- wait wrong movie. 6. How am I- wait what?! 7.tough little bastards huh?

Throwing grenade:1.here hold this! 2.throwing fire! 3.arch star out! Oh they'll love this! 4.throwing frag....or frags.

Killing enemy: 1.god that was pathetic... 2.maybe next time I'll use both arms. 3.some legend you were... 4.i honestly want to know what your plan was there. 5.awww did your third party not work? 6.lets do that again sometime....oh yeah.

Again if you have any voice line ideas or ideas for the heirloom or finisher please don't hesitate to comment.

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