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Y/n:Jackson cover the left flank! The LEFT flank!

Elliot:we should really-

Y/n:they'll be here!

Mirage:you sure about that?!

Y/n:I said they'll be here- TITAN! Everyone get down! Ronin handle it!

Ronin: affirmative.

Ronin charged towards the titan, there clash sending a blinding light onto the battlefield.

You shot up out of your bed dazed and confused, until you realized you were still in your home.

Y/n:same damn dream...

You looked at your clock, it read 7:45. If you got up now you could still catch mirage. You sighed and got up from your bed and went over to a random spot in the wall, you reached your hand out to touch it...

                              "They'll be here!"

You instantly brought your hand back.

Y/n:nah...not today.

You wondered why you still had it, why you kept it after you left the militia, why was it so valuable to you? You pushed those thoughts out of your mind as you went to the basement of the apartment building. You pulled up a couple of wooden planks that were sitting on the floor to reveal a giant box. When you opened it you found an old set of armor, armor that you hated, but would still come in use nonetheless. It was a set of old thief armor. You dint like it, but you would much rather wear this than the alternative...

It would do, after all it was just one game right? Even though you hadn't necessarily agreed to it, you knew that mirage wouldn't leave you alone until you gave in

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It would do, after all it was just one game right? Even though you hadn't necessarily agreed to it, you knew that mirage wouldn't leave you alone until you gave in. Besides you were curious, the tower collapsing? The arena being attacked? By who? With the amount of tech and security the syndicate has on that place this persons either really good, or really stupid. Probably both. You dint put the helmet on yet, instead you simply starched it to your belt and left the building.

Y/n:ok...the airstrip.


Mirage pov:

Mirage was still sitting at the airstrip impatiently tapping his foot and looking at his watch, he knew y/n could be slow sometimes but jeez!

Pilot:I can only wait 5 more minutes!

Mirage:sure whatever!

Mirage shook his head, however his doubts quickly faded as he saw y/n speed walking down the airstrip.

Mirage: I knew it-

Y/n put his hand up to stop him from going any further. However mirage was still smirking.

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