S2 The U.S.S. Graves

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Y/n POV:

You got up and held out your hand.

Not many people here have given me peace like this. just...wanted to say thanks.

he gave a genuine smile before shaking your hand.

Seer:I know what it's like to be an outcast, trust that you will not have that same reaction from me.

Seer trust +15

y/n:i won't forget this.

you then sat down as he began to walk away. Then, once he was out of hearing range you activated the bug you planted. the volume was so thorough you could hear every step he made. if something in the ship went down over the next few months there would at least be a chance you would hear about it. you sighed almost with a bit of shame in your heart as you looked out into the stars.

Y/n:sorry Obi...i've got a job to do.

Karma gained ♦️


They had to be alive. After all of this, they just had to be. Your job, the terrible things you've done, the lives you've had to ruin. It was all for this...so why were you so uncertain? Was it fear? A little bit but no. it wasn't the main reason you were so conflicted with this trip. more so was the thought of what you would do AFTER this. you'd been working towards this goal for so long that the mere thought of finally completing it made you awestruck.


you felt a hand grab your shoulder. you weren't surprised, as strange as it sounds your time in the games have rather toned down your paranoia. with a few legends being the exceptions of course.

Valk:you sure you're ok for this?

Y/n:of course not. But I won't back out, even if we're a man short. I've waited to damn long for this moment to just wuss out now. Plus with this new suit? I should be just fine.

Valk:dosent really look any different to me-

she stopped herself and began too touch the fabric.

Valk:this suit...isn't legal is it?

y/n:course not. You think I'd go all the way to the neon district just for a three piece suit? its got bullet proof lacings in the fabric PLUS a hidden holster. Even the best trained eyes won't spot it.

Valk:I hope you didn't get scammed on that last part, these guys don't look like they're messing around with security.

y/n:only the richest people in the outlands are usually allowed on a cruise ship so far from the frontier.

Newcastle:which is exactly why I'm happy we're gonna slip in.

you both turned behind you to see Jackson pushing past people to your spot in line.

y/n:you actually came?!

Newcastle:keep hit down! And...yeah I'm tagging along. But there were some...difficulties with this being such short notice.

y/n:like what?

Newcastle:well for one I had to tell my sis. She'd get WAY to paranoid if I just up and vanished for a few months without any explanation.

Valk:thats cool, I had to tell Lo. she took it about as well as you'd expect.

Newcastle:she took the news better than I thought. she also told me to send you her regards for the trip.

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