S2 Back in buisness

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One week later...

Y/n POV:

Y/n:breath y/n. Everything's gonna be juuust fine.

It had been a week since the incident with the syndicate convoy. You'd been through several matches, some you won, some you lost horribly. And when it came to the legends? Well...you'd gained some small knowledge of just about everyone, they all knew your name and talked to every once and awhile sure. But the only "friends" you could say you had were fuse, Newcastle, and MAYBE crypto and wraith. The only legends you tried to avoid were Watson and mirage for obvious reasons, other than that? Not much had happened when it came to people. You had also assumed that the syndicate had gotten your message cause there seems to be no retaliation for the raid. Not YET at least. You were head towards the middle of the dropship when a speedy figure ZOOMED past you nearly knocking you down. This in turn made the child like octane laugh.

Octane:watch your step there amigo!

Y/n:watch where your running! Crazy bastard...how are YOU of all people related to Duardo Silva?

He seemed to be tossing an object in his hands as he responded to you.

Octane:breathe breathe! Starting to sound like Anita. Besides you of all people need to learn how to have a little fun!

Y/n:I know how to 'have fun' just not on YOUR terms. I kinda favor having my legs attached to my body.

Octane:please! You've been all secluded since you got here!

He seemed to be tossing the object in his hands even higher now.

Y/n:it's not your business why I decided to keep to my- WILL YOU STOP THAT?

You finally took notice of the object in his hands, it was the same device you used to leave messages for the syndicate. His tone now seemed to change a bit.

Octane:every thing alright y/n?

Aaaand now he knows your name. You gave him a small fake smile before grabbing him by the collar and dragging him back to your room, quickly shoving him inside.

Y/n:you REALLY messed up junkie!

Octane:junkie? Why does everyone go for that? At least get creative-

You shoved against the wall, though he didn't really seem to be intimidated.

Y/n:how the hell did you find out? Did someone snitch?!

He began to genuinely laugh at your cluelessness.

Octane:I mean....seriously? You know who my papa is right? He messaged me in private, told me about your little spy plan-

Y/n:keep your voice down!

You listened outside your door to see if anyone was walking by.

Y/n:so how's you get that device?

Octane:little present he left me after telling me the big news. Said to only use it-

Y/n:if you have important information to reply back yeah I got that...

Your grip on him began to loosen.

Y/n:so your...what? My boss now?

Octane:Naah not really, the opposite I think. Pops said he wanted me to help you in any way I could.

He forced you to let go of him then stood on your bed while giving a sarcastic salute.

Octane:señor Octavio Silva ready and willing! Sir!

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