S2 Mr. L/n I Presume?

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Twitch POV:

12 days after Bolts death.

Connor had only just woken up, he had trudged through the halls in his low end apartment and was making himself an omelette. He heard a loud knock at the door and nearly knocked his pan off of the stove.

Twitch:who's here at this hour?

He though I'd the worst, assuming that the thugs who usually robbed him took it a step further and were now following him home...he opened the door and braced himself...but lowered his guard once he saw who he was.


Mirage:hey hey!...uh how's it going?

He seems VERY uncomfortable.

Twitch:it's 8 in the morning, why are you all the way down here?

It didn't make sense for him to come and visit, neither of them had spoken to one another sense Connor and his mom moved out of their original house and into Kómma. Even before that the two hardly spoke, Elliot mainly hung out with his brothers and y/n while Connor stayed inside most of the day.

Mirage:you mind if I come inside? It's pretty scary out here, no offense.

Connor gave him a nervous nod before gesturing for him to come inside.

Mirage:you sure your doing ok? Awfully jittery.

Twitch:I'm f-fine, just don't like people in my house is all.

Mirage:then in that case I'll make this quick, they're probably getting impatient out there.

Twitch:  "they're"?

They both sat down as his small round table in his kitchen.

Mirage:I know you and your mom wanted to be left alone, I respected that for about as long as I could but...after what happened I figured you both had the right to know.

Connor leaned in.

Twitch:what's going on?


He cut himself off, almost as if it was to hard for him to say.

Mirage:your brother is dead.



Connor didn't move much whenever mirage said those four words, simply responding with a "ok" or "alright" after every sentence. Eventually he got a around to asking if Connor wanted to keep the body for burial. He reluctantly agreed and gave mirage the correct address on where Connors mother now lived. She was gonna have a heart attack when she heard this but...it was the right thing to do.

Mirage:before I take off I have a few people that'd like to meet you.

Mirage looked at the despair in Connors eyes.

Mirage:look I know you're-

Twitch:was it quick?

The both stared at each other in silence for a king time.

???:we don't know.

Twitch looked at his doorway once again to see a woman with short blond hair wearing a bright orange jacket. Now his stuttering returned, terrified and the sight of a stranger.

???:greetings, you must be Connor. I've only just heard of you a few weeks ago from Elliot.

Twitch:a-are you an associate or something?

She seemed to want to question Connor in his stuttering, he could tell, but before she could Elliot put up his hand stopping her from saying more.

Mirage:she meant a lot to y/n, came here to pay her respects and ask if she could keep something.

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