Now what?

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Y/n POV:

You felt the ship continue to shake as it took both you and wraith back to the city. The two of you don't say much...actually neither of you said much at all, she wasn't much of a talker. That was until she asked you one question out of nowhere.

Wraith:you were talking about simulacrums?

Y/n:um yah? I mean I've never seen a human faze shift before. Dint even think it was are you able to do it-

Wraith:that's personal.

Your frowned and slumped back into your seat.

Wraith:of course...I'd be happy to tell you if you admit it.

Y/n:admit what?

She leaned forward and whispered.

Wraith:a jump kit, a data knife, pretty good with most frontier war weapons...there's no mistaking it. Your a pilot.

Y/n:what?! Hold on a sec-

Wraith:you the guy mirage told us about? He said you were SRS.

Y/n:look I don't know what the hell Elliot told you but I'm no pilot! Let's get that right.

Wraith:then how come your so good with a jump kit? Last a heard only pilots have that kinda training.

You dint say anything.

Y/n:alright you caught me..

She leaned forward a bit.

Y/n:my dad was a pilot and taught me the ropes, that's it!


Wraith:your dad taught you how to master a jump kit AND fire arms long?

Y/n:3 years.


Y/n:it's true!


She leaned back in her seat and looked out the closest window.

Y/n:(persistent one ain't she? At least she dint find out)

You made up that lie on the spot, you still dint want anyone to know you where a pilot yet. Speaking of which the pilot in the plane told the two of you that they were about to land. You both stood up and held on to the handles on the roof as it touched the ground.

Wraith:the champions supposed to go out first.

You nodded and proceed to walk away.

Wraith:he pilot.

Y/n:for the last time I'm not a pilot...what?

Wraith:what's your name?

Y/n:for now? Call me bolt.

You turned around and proceeded to walk through the ships main door, a huge crowd awaited you along with dose s of reporters bombarding you with questions.

Reporter:how do you feel about beating an apex legend?

Reporter2:were you at anytime scared you were going to die?

Reporter3:what was your plan when you landed?

Y/n:I umm...uhhh-

???:hey give the new guy some room come on!

You saw a figure push through the was mirage!

Mirage:besides that's MY champion anyways!

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