S2 The REAL games

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Y/n POV:

They never saw your face right? The legends? Of course not! And even if they did, they wouldn't remember it after this long would they? But IF they did there's no way they could-

Jackson:hey kid! You sure you're ok?

You were FAR from ok! As far as a human being could get! The mere thought of showing your face around a few certain legends brought chills down your spine. You were finally inside the city and had parked the truck a few blocks away, the entire walk there your breathing picked up, your hands could hardly sit at your side and your eyes were frantic. You were the very definition of paranoid.

Jackson:look that match shouldn't be that hard! We already have a strategy.

Y/n:I'm not worried about the match ok?!

Jackson:then what is it?

Y/n:it's...not relevant. Not yet anyways.


You quickly decided to change the subject.

Y/n:damn! Look at all those people!

You both finally got to the center of the city where the dropship was landed. Thousands of people were screaming in excitement as they saw the qualifiers board.

Jackson:man...ok you remember what we discussed?

Y/n:nicknames from here on out PLUS when we're around the legends. Got it Newcastle.

Newcastle:still gotta get used to that name...

He put his helmet on and slapped it a few times to hype himself up.

Newcastle:let's do this!!!

You decided to join the hype, it was better then staying paranoid about the legends.

Y/n:hell yeah!!!

You both charged towards the line onto slowing down as to keep up with everyone moving. You saw multiple people giving dirty looks to Newcastle.

Woman:this guy AGAIN?

Man:give it up you idiot! Games ain't for you!

Newcastle:just y'all wait! Today's gonna be different!

Woman:they all say that...

Man:hey teammate! Get out while you can! You ain't winnin with this bum!

Y/n:I respectfully disagree!

The crowd groaned.

Man:your gonna get yourself killed! That legends gonna rip you apart!

You both stopped dead in your tracks.


Woman:I'm not a fan of caustic but if he can keep your stupid ass out of the games then I'm not comparing Newcastle!

Y/n:enough! You know you guys got a lot of nerve for someone you barely-

Newcastle quickly covered your mouth and began to drag you away.

Newcastle:well it's unfortunate you think that way mam! I'll prove you wrong. Don't you worry!

Your angry mumbling continued until you got back in line, newcastle then, finally let go of your mouth and YOU.

Y/n:what the hell was that?! You're just gonna let them talk to you like that?

Newcastle:kid if your really gonna fight in the games then you gotta learn to deal with the bad mouthing every once and awhile.

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