The warehouse (wraith favor)

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Y/n:I'll be there


Without another word she hung up, and you tossed the phone back to mirage.

Y/n:she's with us, but I gotta go.

Mirage:what? Where?

Y/n:east side of the city, wraith wants me to meet her there for something.

Mirage:y/n I am telling you this is serious!

Y/n:look I'll be back in a few hours ok? We can deal with your problem then I promise!

You then ran off into the crowd towards the west side of the city.

Mirage:seriously dude?!

Mirage trust -20

On your way to the warehouse you saw many messed up things...this looked like the poorest section in the district, there were beggars everywhere and you had to swipe away at least 4 kids who tried to grab your pockets. As you finally reached the warehouse you felt your hip bump into something. You assumed it was snatched pick pocket

Y/n:mother f-

You spun around to see a small medical robot staring up at you.

???:ay doc! Wacha doin over there?

The robot gave you a few happy beeps before shooting down a dark ally.

???:hold still!

You then heard a scream coming from the ally and decided to investigate, you sprinted toward the screaming and found something...interesting. It was a woman, she almost looked like a doctor. More of a combat medic really, she also had pink hat and was using the front to sort of stabilize the man. The man had a bullet hole in his chest, how it got there was beyond you, She dint look up at you but you assumed she knew you were there.

???:ya gonna just stand there? shift your carcass and help!

You were snapped out of your thinking and quickly kneeled next to the lady, once you got a good look at her face you finally recognized her.


She looked up at you a bit surprised, but once she got a good look at your face her look of shock turned into a smirk as she went back to working.

Lifeline:was a bit confused at first but I rememba ya. Your the idiot that starter that bar fight on solace right?

You grabbed the mans bullet wound as he screamed

Lifeline:what are ya doing?

Y/n:putting pressure on it so you can do your work a little more freely.

She nodded

Lifeline:right, thanks.

She then started to dig into her pocket for something

Lifeline:and if I rememba correctly I told ya my name was Ajay.

Y/n:yah well that's not what it says on your banner

She chuckled a bit

Lifeline:very true. Your name was (wrong name) right?

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