What smiling robot? 

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Y/n POV:

???:I know what your capable of kid...

Y/n:Briggs! Where the hell are you going?!



You shot up out of your bed, pistol drawn. Once you saw that your were still at mirages bar you breathed a sigh of relief and put down your gun.

Wraith:this a bad time?

You looked over to see wraith standing in the doorway with her arms crossed.

Y/n:nah...I'm fine for now.

Wraith:good, cause you got a big day ahead of you.

She gestured for you to follow, you rolled out of your bed and stretched a bit popping your back a few times. Those dreams...those damn dreams. Why were you having them now? Oh who were you kidding? It was obvious! Seeing Elliot again brought back memory's...some good, some bad....actually mostly bad. When You walked out of your room you saw wraith turn the volume up on the t.v.

Wraith:your gonna wanna hear this.

You looked to the tv to see to commentators bickering at one another.

Commentator:this kid has talent! Talent you don't just learn from bootcamp as a grunt! For gods sake we saw him flying around with a jump kit!

Commentator2:I've watched the games for YEARS now! Even if he is lucky enough to get past this final match, the SECOND he steps in the arena with the other legends he'll wish he was never born!

Commentator:but if he really is a pilot-

Commentator2:IF he's a pilot it won't mean anything! We've seen that the legends can handle them self's far better than any pilot ever could! And IF this pilots watching now...

He looked directly at the screen

Commentator2:take this as a warning kid...the outlands is DONE with you pilots and your damn wars! If you truly are a pilot, then you don't belong here! And that's final-

Wraith turned off the tv before he could finish. It was very quiet, but she wouldn't stop looking at you.

Y/n:maybe he's right.


Y/n:don't what?

Wraith:don't give into them....lol you can lie to me all you want but I KNOW you were a pilot. And before you say anything I don't care which side you were on...the wars over...it has been for years. And as far as I know your hearts in the right place.

Wraith then moved to the side to reveal your helmet sitting on the table, she then picked it up and held it out towards you.

Wraith:just...promise me your wars gonna STAY in the past.

You looked at your helmet, Then at wraith, then back to your helmet again. You then put your hand on your helmet and nodded.

Y/n:my wars been over for a long time...

You then took your helmet and held it in your hands.

Wraith:I hope so pilot.

Y/n:don't call me that...at least not in public.

She rolled her eyes.

Wraith:fine, then I'm calling you by your actual name.

Y/n:aww what?!

Wraith:don't act so surprised, now go get your gear on.

You turned to leave but stopped yourself.

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