The game

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Y/n POV:

As you continued to fly down towards the map you saw other contestants being snatched up or taken by the flyers. one flyer tried to grab you, but you gave it a swift kick before finally landing in skulltown. You entered the buildings on the right side since they were the closest and already you were hearing gunshots from all over the place. You scrambled around the building and tried to find a weapon, luckily you managed to find a p2020 and some ammo in one of the rooms.

Y/n:it'll do.

You loaded the gun, then heard footsteps coming from the next room. You peaked around the corner to see a guy in full on panic mode, we was breathing incredibly fast and looking straight out the window. You took this chance and fired one bullet at him, to your surprise the guy barely flinched, he did however look straight over at you.

Y/n:are you kidding me?!

He fired his gun at your door, it sounded like a r-301. You looked around the room you were in to see if there was anything you missed, in the corner you saw a frag just laying on the floor. You quickly snatched it up and threw it in the next room.

Guy:oh shit!

Right as he said that the made went off, you peeled around the corner to see the guy holding his stomach and laying in the corner.

Guy:wait wait! I-I don't wanna die!

Y/n:should've thought about that before stepping on the ship.

You shot him directly in the head, ending his life. After that you proceeded to grab his r-301 and ammo. He even had some sort of weird ninja star looking thing, you'd never seen it before but you assumed the button on the side was meant to prime it. You stuffed it in your pockets and left the building, the gunshots were getting quiet scary quiet. As you made your way to the other side of skulltown you saw a blue hologram that looked like it was in the shape of armor, it looked like some sort of square-ish device was projecting it. Out of curiosity you put down your r-301 and picked up the square and placed it on your chest, a blue charge surged through your body after that.


You felt a pistol being pushed against your head.

???:glad you think so, now take it off and hand it over.

It was a female voice, she sounded pretty serious...and edgy. You took the chance and turned your head just a bit to see a woman in all black with a wingman pointed at you. You were still on your knees, if you made a move she would kill you easily.

Y/n:wraith I presume?

Wraith:that's not important. Hand over the shield.

Y/n:sure thing, let me grab it...

You reached for your chest, but out of wraiths view you actually grabbed the ninja star...or whatever it was called.

Wraith:I don't show mercy, I don't fear anything. Why is it that people think they can beat me so easily? Amateurs like you should've learned by now.

Y/n:oh I have trouble learning...usually one of my problems.

You had your finger on the button and braced yourself.

Y/n:but I'm no amateur...

You primed the star and dropped it right at your feet. Wraith heard the noise but the star blew before she could react sending you both flying back, the shield just barley protected you from the blast. You landed right next to wraith to see that the star hit her pretty hard. You kicked her gun away and went to pull out your p2020 but before you could wraith put her arms around your head for a headlock. You knew she was faster, so you had to be stronger. You grabbed her arms and flipped her over you sending her to the ground again, this time you immediately pulled out your p2020 and fired at her. But before the bullet hit she...disappeared?

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