S2 Assets and Failures (Halloween special🎃🎃🎃)

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(For this ONE chapter the readers perspective will be from Bolts. Not Hephaestus)

Days ago at Valkyrie's apartment...

Zero POV:

Zero was almost finished preparing his equipment for his the task at hand, loba sat not to far from him doing her best to prepare her friend for the amount of pain he was going to endure.

Zero:now Jaime, I'm going to need you to stay as still as possible while I do my job.

Jaime:you mean while you cut me open?

He said in a slightly annoyed tone.

Zero:loba here can only provide so much blood, combine that with the fact that I only have two bags matching your type...point is the more you move the quicker you're gonna lose that precious blood of yours. And we're gonna need every drop if we wanna get you through this.

Loba:THIS is why I stole from you in the first place! How did you even get more of those horrible devices?

Zero:when have you ever stole for morals Andrade? My TOOLS are extremely difficult to both find and make...it took me a few months to rebuild and re-purchase what you took from me-

He took out what looked like a miniature electric saw. Along with four devices that almost looked like bracelets. 

Zero:but I got back on my feet.

Zero proceeded to put the four bracelet poking devices on Jamie's wrists and ankles.

Zero:these will numb your arms and legs to insure you don't move them. But your chest and head? That'll be on you kid.

Loba was still giving him a scolding look. Zero elected to ignore it and got to work, the second his tool touched his chest Jaime began ti scream in pain. Loba had to hold his chest down as zero continued to cut.

Zero:you best hold him still otherwise the only other place your friend is gonna be laying down in is the morgue!

Loba:I know I know!

The procedure was long and grueling, the only time Jaime sat still was when zero was putting his device on Jamie's lungs. Finally, the procedure was done, zero had closed up the opening on his chest and added a few extra serums and stitches to make sure the wound wouldn't reopen again. As Jaime laid on the couch passed out from the amount of pain he endured, zero had finished packing up his things and began to leave. Blood coving most of his jacket. Loba, still sitting next to Jaime wasn't quite finished with him yet.

Loba:why are you like this?

He turned his head.

Zero:how do you mean?

Loba:all of that pain, all of that screaming.

She shook her head.

Loba:you didn't even bat an eye. It almost looked like you were...fascinated.

Zero:I was.

She looked almost disgusted at his response.

Zero:look at me like that all you want kid, fact is I saved his life. Not only that but I IMPROVED him. 

Loba:you put him through more pain than any man- any PERSON could dare to go through! You practically torture people, then attach them to one of your psycho gadgets and call it improvement?! Kairi was right! Your Harley human at all.

Zero:oh in the contrary ms Andrade...

He practically got in her face as he leaned down to her.

Zero:I'm more human than anyone in the outlands. Everyone here wants there lives to be perfect, THEY want to be perfect. But they consider being perfect an impossibility in their lives due to there lack of strength, intelligence, looks, etc....Only difference between me and everyone else?

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