You cant save everyone.

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Y/n POV:

She's just laying you arms looking like she's about to cry, but at the same time was smiling. You on the other hand were on the verge of tears, you weren't much of cryer but you were definitely making an exception today.

Serena:please don't cry...when I see other people sad it makes me sad to...

You gave a small laugh.

Y/n:I don't know what to do...

Gibraltar walked up next to you and got on his knees.

Gibraltar:she won't survive the trip back...

Y/n:I know...

Serena:here...I know a way to cheer you up.

Y/n:kid I don't really think-

She cut you off by starting to hum, the more she bummed the more you recognized the tune. She was humming Rudolph the red nosed reindeer...

Serena:you said you like Christmas so...I figured this would help.

She continued to hum her heart away as tears went down your face, you noticed that Gibraltar was beginning to cry as well. 

Serena:(humming) then one foggy Christmas Eve....Santa...came to...say

Her humming started to slow down as her eyes slowly closed.

Y/n:(humming) Rudolph with your nose so bright, won't you Guide my sleigh tonight?

She smiled at the fact that you started to hum along, You kept humming until her eyes were fully closed with a small smile on her face. You could've sworn she said one last thing....Once you knew she was gone you started to cry, you've seen so much in your lifetime...but this...this would haunt you forever. 

Y/n:I'm sorry...

As you said that you heard a drop ship corn from above you and begin to land, out of pure rage you shot at it with the re-45 pistol in your hand.

Y/n:fuck you!!! Is this what you want?!

The ship landed and out spring 5 guards all armed to the teeth.

Guard:drop it!

Y/n:make me!

Gibraltar:bolt! Not now bruddah! We're outgunned.

Your hand shook before finally dropped the gun You then picked Serena up and carried her corpse to the dropship as the guards approached.

Guard:hand over the girl.


Guard:it wasn't a request.

Gibraltar:she's gonna be sent back to her parents! That'll be the end of it! You got what you want right?! She's dead!!!

Guard:not good enough, her body can never be found. Now hand her over.

Y/n:over my dead body!

Guard:figured you'd say that...hit em.

One guard typed on his tablet

Gibraltar:what are y-

Before he could finish makoa was zapped one the neck by his respawn implant.


Before you could do anything you were zapped to, dropping Serena, the last thing you saw before blacking our was the guards taking her corpse away.


Now playing as Gibraltar

???:gibs! Gibs! Hey makoa!

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