A big decision...

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Y/n POV:

4 weeks later...

You were sitting on your bed tossing a gun mag up and down, you couldn't stop thinking about all the things that happened a few weeks ago....


Y/n:sir please he's telling the truth! I saw you kissing up to some women, though I thought it was your wife.

Silva:Nicolás is this true?

You stared at you, then at octane, then to his wife.

Mr Silva:I-

He quickly pushed through the crowd and ran up the stairs.

Octane:get back here puta!

His mother grabbed his arm to stop him.

Silva:that's enough Octavio


Silva:this is between me and your father.

He scoffed

Octane:my father...

Silva:I'll talk to him, YOU are going to stay here.

Guard:actually mam they can't do that.

You turned to see multiple body guards.

Guard:before he went to his room mr Silva said that Octavio and his friends had to leave...now.

Lifeline:ya kidding me?

Guard:we'll allow you to grab your things but just be quick about it.


You, Natalie and ajay were on the ship finding a place to put your things while octane was saying his goodbyes to his mother. Ajay nudged you on the shoulder and gestured towards octane. You walked out of the ship and saw him hugging his mom, you approached and started to talk.

Y/n:sorry about ruining the party mrs Silva.

Silva:don't be, the people there are still enjoying themselves...plus I need to know about this.

Octane:you sure your gonna be ok? I can stay if you want-

She laughed

Silva:you and I both know that you can't stay in one place for long mi hijo.

Y/n:and...about the sponsor?

Her face saddened

Silva:unfortunately that choice belongs to my husband. I don't think the arena will be getting its money anytime soon.

Y/n:dammit, Natalie isn't gonna be happy about this.

Silva:she seems like a great woman, you seem pretty well yourself y/n. I can see why you and Octavio are close.

You remembered the lie you were still spinning.

Y/n:...yah, not nearly as close as him and ajay though.

You then saw wattson emerge from the ship.

Wattson:were taking off!

Octane:that's my cue mama.

She grabbed both of his hands and gave him a kiss on the head.

Silva:be safe mi hijo.

He nodded and quickly followed you onto the ship.

Octane:thanks amigo, I know it may not look like it but you did the right thing.

Octane trust +20

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