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Y/n POV:

You couldn't stop yourself from looking out the window as you drove through one of the major city's on psamathe.

Y/n:for a planet made of ice the people here aren't doing to bad.

Lifeline:most of them.

Wattson:is there anything we should know about while we're here?

Octane:don't ever wear a mask and if you walk into a shop you better buy something. Last guy that tried window shopping-

Ajay covered his mouth.

Ajay:was perfectly fine! 

You both raised an eyebrow. Nonetheless you continued to talk.

Y/n:where's your parents house anyway?

Octane:I told you remember? Way up on that mountain!

He pointed towards the mountain at the end of the city, on the very top sat a massive mansion with a giant S on the front.

Wattson:it's the biggest building here!

Octane:ever since there business took off? You bet! They got more money than they know what to do with!

Lifeline:which is why we could use a sponsor from them, it could give the syndicate enough money to finally finish the repairs on the tower.


The further up the mountain you went the colder it got, when you finally reached the mansion and exited the limo it felt like it was damn near sub zero.

Y/n:how did you live in this?!

Octane:well most of the time I just stayed inside- but that doesn't matter! Welcome to mi cueva!

The four of you rushed to get inside where to your surprise the temperature was perfect. The entrance was practically a house on its own but you dint really want to go exploring since you dint want to get lost. You just went straight to the room octane assigned you and dropped your stuff off there. When you went back down the stairs you saw octane talking to one of the butlers.

Octane:where's mamá y papá?

Butler:you parents unfortunately are not able to be here tonight due to a business meeting. They will not be back for the rest of the night.

This kinda made you feel bad for octane, you saw him give a sad look for a split second before he quickly put on an exited face.


Octane:ah it doesn't matter! We need to find our outfits anyways!


Y/n:what's wrong with the stuff we brought?

Octane:maybe on your lamer that would look nice but on ours? Eh.

Wattson:but how will we find the right outfit?

Lifeline put her arm around Natalie.

Lifeline:ya got two residents right next to ya dummy!

Octane:si! Let the professionals handle it! ooo! ooo! I got the perfect place two come on amigo!

He pulled you by the shirt.


Lifeline:try not to follow us ya hear?


The two of you continued to walk around the city trying to find this 'perfect tailor shop' octane wouldn't shut up about.

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