S2 A New Threat (octane favor)

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Y/n POV:

You sat in a U booth at the paradise lounge with a very exited looking octane sitting across from you. You took a sip of your drink and shrugged your shoulders. You were exhausted and needed sleep, but this couldn't wait.


Octane:in a minute amigo.

Though he did seem excited, he also seemed to be paying attention to something else besides you.

Y/n:hey- HEY!

You snapped your fingers to get his attention.

Y/n:I don't know if your aware of this yet, but it's PRETTY risky for me to be doing ANYTHING like this in the first place so could you please just spit it out-

Octane:just a minute! just checking to make sure no other legends are around besides clone guy over there.

He gestured to the bar where mirage sat, hopelessly flirting with a woman and her friends.

Y/n:why does that matter?

Octane:because what I found it's- I don't know how do you put it...? Advanced? No random merc coulda made it that's for sure.

Y/n:what are you talking about?

He took one last look before putting a tablet on the table.

Octane:alright so I MIGHT'VE gone a little overboard on stims and caused a riot in the bar, I ran to the back just cause it seemed like there was more room, smacked into a crate and pretty much made it explode and then found THIS! And when I say back I mean like WAAAY way back. Last time any of us went there was for a private meeting with loba. There's a busted window AND door back there, by the looks of it, it almost seems like someone's been breaking in through the back and been sticking around there for awhile. Using it as some sort of safe house.

Y/n:so mirage has a few squatters so what?

Octane:I told you...these ain't no squatters boss...

He turned on the tablet and revealed to you what he TRULY found. On the device it seemed as if there were encrypted messages being sent back and fourth through several sources. Based on what you could put together it looked like there were a minimum of FOUR people speaking to each other. One of the "accounts" had sent a strange blueprint for some sort of-

Y/n:wait wait wait...that's a nuclear core for a titan! The hell do these guys want with that?!

Octane:keep your voice down! I thought I was the loud one...

He made sure no one was paying attention to your little outburst, then spoke again.

Octane:look whatever they're talking about, if it involves a nuclear core? It's GOTTA be bad news.

Y/n:so let's just decrypt it and find the bastards-

You then froze in the middle of your statement as you remembered what he said at the beginning of your conversation.

Y/n:are...are you saying that some of the legends are making a nuclear titan core? That could only mean-

Octane:they want something gone, nah blown to ash is more like it...problem is, we can't take the tablet. Otherwise they'll get suspicious and move spots, then we ain't NEVER finding them again. And as for someone that could decrypt it well...

Y/n:whoever made this made the encryption AND the blueprint, that means that someone in that group is a legend with a lot of tech expertise.

Octane:so crypto?

Y/n:I doubt it...

He looked a bit surprised.

Octane:Whatchu mean?

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