A/n voicelines

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Ok so this is just voicelines I made up for your character to say during games. The ammo, gun and shield ones will be skipped for obvious reasons. Except for the golden guns.

Select screen:1.they'll see me coming...I hope they do. 2.i won't have a scratch on me by the time this is done. 3.just try to keep up with me. 4.so long as you carry your weight you can come. 5.if it involves fighting...I'm in.

Champion screen:1.go on, take a shot...I dare you. 2.This is it? Maybe I should put one arm behind my back, make it fair. 3.if you see my squad...run.

Drop ship: 1.This place looks fun! 2.How bout here? 3.we should land there 4.why not here? 5.lets try landing over there!

Dropping:1.and away we go! 2.aaand were off! 3.cross your fingers, hold your breath cause here we go! 4.love this part!

Pinging:1.im going over there. 2.im board, moving there. 3.it cool if I move over there? Cool. 4.im looting over there. See what I can dig up. 5.someones been here, and they took all the loot!...bastards. 6.someones been here, think we can track em?

Spotted enemy: 1.there's one! 2.hey I found one! 3.we got company...good 4.think I see somebody! 5.hey I found one! 6.hostile right in front of me! 7.enemy waaay out there! Damn can anyone hit that?

Taking damage:1.ow! There punching me?! 2.Ow! Stop hitting me! 3.im taking fire! 4.who's shooting at me?! 5.guys don't shoot at me!...oh that's an enemy 6.aaand I'm taking fire. 7.goddammit! Getting shot at!  8.do they have guns?...yes! Yes they do! 

Grenade: 1.check it grenade! 2.grenade! 3.take cover grenade! 4.iiii think thats a grenade! 5.scramble! Grenade!

Down: 1.goddammit I'm down! 2.gah! They got me! 3.im hit! 4.im down! Little help?!

Revived:1.so they got lucky...what?! 2.now where'd that little bastard go? 3.now let me at em! 4.thanks...sorry not used to being saved. 5.gah...well done. 5.gah! That stuff feels weird! 6.the hells in that needle anyway? Do I even wanna know?  7.someday...but not today.

Revived teammate:
octane:next time? Slow down. Oh who am I kidding?

Mirage:come on Elliot I still need you.

Wraith:maybe duck next time? Ok! Ok! Sorry!

Gibraltar:who the HELL let you wear all this shit?

Caustic:not really sure why I'm helping a murderer...

Bangalore:thought you were a soldier? Get up!

Wattson:are you alright? You sure?

Lifeline:don't worry! Your not really meant for killing people anyway.

Pathfinder:can't let the nicest guy in the games die on me.

Bloodhound:it's not your time hound.

Crypto:you mind telling me who "they" are now?

Revenant:how dose this stuff even help a robot?

All:1.hang in there I gotcha! 2.hang on buddy take a breath! 3.let me see it! Let me see it! 4.alright just don't look at it!

Golden guns: 1.oooo a mastiff! Love these things! 2.found a Kraber! Let's see how good your aim is! 3. Got a devotion here! Can't aim for shit? Try this!

Have anymore voice line ideas? Put them in the comments! Seriously I'm curious to see what you guys come up with!

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