It begins

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Y/n POV:

Y/n:ok...then we send them in?

Wattson:if everything goes to plan...and if we have enough people.

You took a deep breath as you exited your room with wattson by your side. The legends were still arguing.

Revenant:if the rest of you wanna go on a suicide mission that's on y'all!

Octane:thought you hated the syndicate metal man?

Revenant:this ain't just the syndicate smart ass!

Y/n:no it ain't.

The legends turned your attention to you as you slammed a hologram projector on the table, once it turned on it revealed a very VERY large base.

Mirage:what's this?

Revenant:some old station from the war, decommissioned now. Else I would've found something useful there...

Wattson:on the contrary mr revenant, you dint look hard enough.

Revenant:excuse me?

Y/n:this Place is called Amethyst station one of the IMCs biggest air defense bases right next to Demeter...well before demeter blew up anyways.

Wraith:why dose this matter?

Crypto:cause if The transmission was correct, the first battle between the militia and Hammond is going to be over that station.

Y/n:this is proven by the fact that Serena saw one of the syndicate guards trying to hack into the cannons and guns to take control over the's why she was sent here.

Gibraltar:and why she was killed...

Bangalore:the syndicate doesn't know we have this info?

Y/n:not yet no.

Caustic:whatever idiotic plan your cooking up in your small mind mr bolt I suggest you leave me and mrs Paquette out of it!

Wattson Path unlocked! 🟢

Wattson:I've already agreed.

There eyes went wide.


Wattson:you heard me, I've made my choice.

Caustic:a foolish one that is almost certain to get you killed!

Wattson:maybe, if it's just the two of us.

Y/n:this plan can work IF we have enough people.

Caustic:enlighten me...

Y/n:a small team of four sneak into the base and take control over the cannons and other systems around the base.

Squad leader:Bolt




Y/n:meanwhile everyone else distracts the main security team the syndicate is bound to send to buy us some time. 

Gibraltar:what kind of security?

You looked a little nervous was you spoke again.

Y/n:heavy...VERY heavy, they may even bring in some titans.

Caustic:as I said, foolish!

Wattson:you wouldn't need to hold out for long! Just long enough for the cannons to deal with the ships.

Crypto:plus however long it's gonna take the team of 4 to get to the main core and take control of the facility. And how do we know the team them self's won't experience resistance?

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