S2 Freedom

229 8 15

Y/n POV:

It took every ounce of strength you had, but you handed Jackson the detonator and shoved past him.

Y/n:Don't thank me.

Jackson:i just-

Newcastle trust +35

Y/n:I swear to god you better not say it.

Karma gained! 🔷

Current karma



Though you did the right thing an aching feeling began to fill your gut. Why did you do that? Any other day and you wouldn't have hesitated to end that pathetic mans life. So what if their were innocents? He stole everything from you! No...no you knew that wasnt true, if you had just grown a pair and stood by your family in their time of need then NONE of this would've happened in the first place.


Seven Months ago...

you distinctly remember bringing Bolt in, this was before Duardo Silva took control of the syndicate so the council was attending this event. Not in person mind you, no they were to paranoid for that. Instead they were simply holograms being held by secretaries and Agents. You were one of those Agents, both pushing the grate that he was being carried on as well as guarding it to make sure the legends didn't do anything drastic. Make no mistake you elected to wear a helmet as well as a voice changer to hide your identity, his body was brought in during the night when most citizens had either gone to sleep or were glued to a bar.

You remember several legends getting ready to charge you then and there, you remember some were too busy crying to even bother with the thought. There was no big speech, no statement of the greatness of the syndicate...just a sentence.

"A reminder to all those who oppose us, this is your only warning legends."

It was blunt but remarkably effective. They couldn't just simply kill all the legends outright, they needed them. The games kept the syndicate in good standing and the money flowing. But that didn't mean they couldn't start picking them off one by one if they ever stepped out of line again. After all, new legends were coming in by the dozen...it's not like they weren't replaceable.


Thinking about the day you killed Bolt made your head buzz. Like literally, you could barley even remember the specifics of that day and every time you really tried to remember you got a ridiculous headache. You heard the door to your suite open and were expecting someone to start yelling, to start calling you a traitor or sellout. Especially Jackson, he wanted to keep his family away from all of this. Instead, you simply heard both of them sit down which was followed by silence. You turned your head to face them and braced for the worst.


Jackson:you done?

You sat up looking a bit confused.

Jackson:you're in a hard place right now we get that, but you can't just go spilling secrets like that just cause your grieving.

Y/n:you- i'm sorry i'm a bit confused. I thought you two would wanna rip my head off once you figured this out.

🔷path unlocked!

Newcastle:make no mistake I am, and you're gonna tell me EVERYTHING you have up about my family. But I can't outright hate you, don't think either of us can.

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