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Y/n POV:

You dint say anything, you just gained a chair and sat next to her.

Y/n:let's see it then.



Wattson:no! Every time someone besides the legends see this they always run away!

Y/n:who says I'm like everyone else?

She shook her head.

Wattson:promise me you won't see me differently.

Y/n:why? Because you have a little scar?

She looked at her arm.

Wattson:it's...a little worse than that.

You leaned forward

Y/n:do you trust me?

Wattson:of course but-

Y/n:then show me, I swear I'm not gonna see you any differently then anyone else here. Hell if I judged people based on there looks I'd probably be dead by now.

She remained silent, then with no warning she started to take off the glove on her left hand.


When she took off the glove it revealed a metal hand, fully functional for the most part. Before you could examine it further she snatched it away.

Wattson:I shouldn't have showed you-

Y/n:calm down, I actually think it's pretty cool!

She raised an eyebrow. do?

Y/n:are you kidding? Yah! Imagine punching someone in the balls with that! They'd just be like "aaaah!"

She giggled

Wattson:that's seriously the first thing you think of?

Y/n:well that and how would it feel to be punched in the face by it.

Wattson:well your welcome to find out!

Y/n:no no no! I'm good thanks!

You both laughed.

Wattson:your reaction was...better than predicted.

Y/n:what? You thought cause you look a bit different I'd want to stay away form you?

Wattson:that's what everyone else did...well everyone except for the legends.

Y/n:well then those people were assholes.

She gave a soft smile.

Wattson:I suppose so yes.

Neither of you said anything. You simply stared at each other.



Wattson:can I ask you something personal?

Y/n:sure I guess.

She leaned forward

Wattson:why did you leave the militia?

You leaned back and frowned.

Y/n:that's pretty deep.

Wattson:it just doesn't make since! You said that you hated the IMC for what they did to your mother-


Wattson:so then why did you leave?

You laughed to yourself, it was more of an angry laugh than anything.

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