An Angel?

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Drake POV

My morning went as usual as I avoided my father and ran to school. I waved to the receptionist as I walked through the main doors and hurried to the bathroom, cleaning up and changing into the navy slacks and white polo of the school uniform. I quickly shoved my running clothes in my gym bag before giving myself another once over in the mirror.

Figuring I looked okay enough I walked out, went to my old locker, and hit the side. It popped right open and I put my new books in their places, just like clockwork. Murmurs of a new girl caught my ear, but I didn't pay too much attention.

Not like any woman would look at me twice.

I left all of my books since I'd be back after Homeroom and slammed the door shut. A few people that were close jumped at the noise sending a jolt of guilt through me. I glanced back at the dented hunk of metal and shook my head as I headed to Mr. Le Roux's room.

The damned thing wouldn't budge unless I roughed it up a little but that didn't make the fearful glances of my peers any easier to swallow.

I rounded a few corners and met the crowd entering room 110. There was a girl sitting next to the door but I didn't look at her too much, she'd come in soon anyway. Sliding into an empty desk pair close to the corner I looked out the window at the trees that littered the courtyard.


At some point everyone had gotten in their seats and Shanks called the attention of the class. "Alright class, we have a new student! Her name is (Y/n) Beckmann," he said. His hand was resting on her shoulder, and that drew my attention to her appearance.

(H/l), (h/c) hair, cute flushed lips, a soft blush across her (s/t) face, and long eyelashes. Her uniform hugged her curves softly, in a loose way. Her enticing lips parted before she spoke.

Holy shit.

"I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you! I hope we can get along!" Her voice seemed to echo in my head for a moment before I heard Mr. Le Roux speak again.

"Drake? Raise your hand really quick so (Y/n) can find you."

I quickly lifted my hand as her gaze met mine. Her soft smile made me feel warm as she practically glided up to me. She seemed filled with grace as she gently placed her books next to me on the desk. Her eyes, an entrancing (e/c), met mine and she spoke softly, just to me.

"(Y/n), nice to meet you! I hope we can be friends!"

She turned to Mr. Le Roux as my face rivaled his hair. Her soft presence eased all of my stress from earlier and her hair glinted softly in the light of the sun that filtered through the window.

An angel? She has to be. And she wants to be my friend?!

Soon enough I saw one of Perona's ghosts float behind some students with a piece of paper. It was gently set on (Y/n)'s desk, and she quietly jumped at the sight of the ghost. A small smile found its way onto my face at her reaction, but quickly fell as I read the note over her shoulder.

Be careful with your seat mate! He's got a bad reputation and I hear he gets pretty violent with his locker! Us girls have to look out for each other :) -Perona

She quickly wrote a response.

I appreciate the concern, but he seems nice! Maybe a little quiet, but I bet the locker thing is cause it gets stuck. I had to tug on mine pretty hard this morning XD -(Y/n)

She handed the paper back to the ghost as she glanced at me. Our eyes met and my face got pleasantly warm. Hers had a rosy tint as she grinned and wrote on a page from her notebook.

Did you read it?

Yes, thanks for defending me even tho you don't know me I wrote back.

Like I said, you seem nice :) she scribbled. I smiled at her and pushed the paper back.

"(Y/n)!" She jumped slightly at the man's voice. "Normally we don't do ice breakers since we all mostly know each other, but I'm sure the class is interested in you. We have 5 or so minutes left if you want to tell everyone a little about you?" Mr. Le Roux offered.

"Sure!" she responded after a few moments of hesitation. "Well, I'm 18, I've been homeschooled my whole life, and my favorite color is (f/c)," she started.

"Do you have any siblings?" a guy on the other side of the room asked.

"Just a big brother, I live with him and he's the one who taught me everything I know! He's a very strict teacher," she giggled out. Her voice sounded angelic to me.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Perona almost shouted.

"Ah, no," she laughed again, but it seemed a little tense. "I do like romance books though!" she recovered.

"Do you have a devil fruit?"

That's a good question, maybe she's eaten a fruit and that's why she's so pretty.

"No, but I think having one would be interesting! The zoan fruits are probably my favorite," she chimed.

They're her favorites? Maybe I could use mine as an excuse to talk to her!

"Do you know what actually happened to Mr. Le Roux's arm?" a girl from the front asked. It was a common joke to ask each other for a theory, but looking at her it was almost like she really knew. She smiled lightly before laughing.

Taking a quick breath, she spoke again. "Well, I wasn't there but I heard it had to do with a shark and a little boy at the beach. Benn, my brother, was there but he won't tell me what all happened." Silence washed over the class before erupting in exclamations of shock.

"You know Mr. Le Roux outside of school?!" a few students shouted. She just responded with a shrug as the man in question laughed loudly.

For some reason, I really didn't like the idea of her knowing him personally.

The class was thinking of more questions when the bell rang. Everyone packed up except for her. I looked over to see her doodling a few lines in her book.

"Why aren't you packing up?" I gently asked. She looked up surprised.

She's so cute.

"Your voice is so nice..." she trailed as I froze. No one has ever complimented my voice before, or anything really. "Wow, sorry... um, I'm in Algebra II next so I was just gonna stay here," she rambled with a light blush.

"Well, it was nice to meet you (Y/n), and hopefully we have other classes together," I say with a smile. "And thank you."

"I was just saying what came to mind," she mumbled with a brighter blush. "It was wonderful to meet you, Drake!" she chimed with a small head tilt.

She said I was wonderful to meet me. Me of all people. And I've never heard my name said so happily. I hope she sticks around.

A/n~ Am I hyperfixating on this story? Just a lil... enjoy a random extra chapter! The first yandere has appeared! Not very crazy yet, but all good things come with patience... (insert evil laugh)


X Drake Diez - Unlocked!

Who's next?

Have a great day/night!

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