Teaser - A Living Nightmare

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That's all I could feel as despair flooded my senses like a rising tide.

I stared down at the bloody, dismembered body that layed at my feet.

I closed my eyes tightly as my heart stopped at the sound of a joyful laugh down the hall. The body was still the only thing I could see in my head when I felt a gloved hand cover my eyes.

"Shh, it's okay. He only did it because he loves you. I promise it's okay (Y/n)."

I nodded shakily, leaning into the only sane person I seem to know anymore.

The laugh sounded again, closer this time.

I could feel his other arm wrap around my waist as he held my trembling form. "I don't, I don't want to see him yet. He looks terrifying after he does stuff like this," I whispered. He sighed as his head rested in my neck.

"I know, darling. Let's go home."

I nodded again, hoping to be as far from the corpse as possible. He turned me around as he still covered my eyes while we carefully walked through the only way out. The sound of our footsteps were covered by the squelching of the thick liquids covering the ground.

How did it come to this?

A/n~ Just a tease for the later bits! Let me know what you think!

Have a great day/night!

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