A Generally Bipolar Day

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After the other day with Ace, I decided to keep my protection charm on me, no way was I about to let someone snatch it. I definitely didn't expect Ace to try to take it though. I shook my head as I fiddled with it in my pocket and sat in my spot next to Drake.

"Any more fun stuff happen lately?" he joked.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh please, fun is not how I'd describe it," I laughed out as Shanks stepped to the front of the class. He shot me a long glance but I just smiled at him.

"So what's with the triplets? Are they still bugging you?" He nudged my elbow lightly as he pulled out his notebook.

"Thankfully no, I don't even think the blue one has shown up to school. It's been what? Five days?" He nodded as he jotted down a website Shanks was recommending for job ideas.

The door slammed open in the middle of Shanks' explanation on how the test works, revealing said blue brother. "Oh fucking hell, speak of the devil. Bubbles has shown his face." Drake laughed at my reference before he also looked up to see the blueberry themed brother.

"Is there a (Y/n) Beckmann in this class?" he loudly announced.

Good fucking gods, what is wrong with this week?

"That would be me," I sighed. "Go ahead without me, Mr. Le Roux, I'll just catch up later." He nodded, confused as I walked out with Bubbles. "Now what do you want?"

He smirked as he grabbed my hand, kissing the back of it. "Simply to give you this, beautiful." He brandished a large jewelry box in his free hand, holding it towards me.

I hesitantly took the box, opening it to reveal a choker that was at least two inches tall. Sapphires and clear white diamonds cut in teardrops and rounds, all arranged in silver, almost like vines. This must have cost a fortune.

"I couldn't possibly-"

"I insist, such a beautiful and strong woman deserves the best after all," he chimed with a sly smile, cutting off my refusal of the extremely flashy piece.

I stared at him absolutely stunned and confused. "I literally kicked you in the dick though?" He shifted, standing straight again. I looked deep into his sunglasses, trying to figure out what he was thinking as I waited for him to explain.

A surprising blush slowly tinted his cheeks as he spoke. "I deserved it, especially because I didn't pay you any mind before that moment. Such a gem, completely overlooked." He turned away before starting again. "I had my father's best jeweler put it together just for you so I would appreciate it if you wore it."

I was stunned, but it felt wrong to return it now.

"Fine, but I can't wear it all the time. I feel like I'll break it honestly," I joked lightly as I gently lifted it from the box. The light from the fluorescent bulbs overhead reflected beautifully in the almost black sapphires, creating a royal blue reflection. It definitely wasn't my style, and he was a horribly rude guy, but I couldn't say no to his sweet expression.

A smile broke out on his lips as he took the heavy piece from my hand. "Allow me. The clasp isn't broken in yet so it's a little stiff," he mumbled in my ear as his hands grazed my neck. A shiver ran up my spine as I heard the clasp click in place. "How's that?" he whispered.

My breath caught in my throat as he ran his finger over the top edge of the gems, glancing my skin gently. The warmth of his gloved hand contrasted greatly with the cool metal and sent another shiver across my skin. "It's, um, it's good," I stuttered out as goosebumps prickled my skin. The heat coming off of his body that I hadn't noticed before swiftly left as he went to stand in front of me, letting his gaze linger along my form.

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