Healing and Hurting

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"Do you want the police involved?"

That was the first question out of Killer's mouth when we got home. I shook my head, trying to find any reason they'd help an assassin like me. He nodded silently and walked into the kitchen.

I went upstairs to my room, cringing at the dirty clothes on the floor. It seemed so much messier than I had left it but I just guessed it was because of my scattered brain. I went into the closet and slipped on a bra and a pair of boxers as well as some fluffy pants.

Layers, I need layers.

I decided to throw on a tank top too, just for good measure. I pulled Killer's shirt back on and slowly walked back downstairs. My legs hurt and so did my head, so moving at a normal pace was out of the question.

When I made it back to the living room there was a cup of hot cocoa and a cookie on the coffee table.

"I found your cookie stash. I'm surprised you still keep it in the same place you did at the orphanage," he chimed from the far side of the couch.

"How did you heal up from that? Speaking of our orphanage days," I asked gently. I looked up at his unmasked face, taking in the details his bangs couldn't cover.

His painted lips parted into a smile. "Decently well. They couldn't get skin grafts for my arm so it looks pretty bad, but other than that, I'm as healthy as I can be."

"That's good. I'm glad I could pull you out that day. I was so scared to lose my best friend."

"Then you can imagine how I felt when I woke up and you had already been adopted."

"I didn't want to go. Benn still gives me shit to this day about how I got splinters under my nails from clawing at the floor so I could wait until you woke up."

He slowly picked up my hands, holding them gently as he looked at the small scars along the underside of my nails. "I'm glad you didn't just up and leave me. I've been looking for you ever since, convinced someone stole you away." He chuckled as he ran a calloused thumb over the raised tissue.

"Well, you'll have to take that up with Benn when he gets home," I joked as the room fell silent.

So much had happened in the past few months and now, now I had to process the one thing no one wants to even think of as a possibility. Not to mention I'd have to face him on Monday. Just thinking about it, my skin crawled with the ghosts of his hands. No amount of layers can protect me from what's already happened.

Killer noticed and gripped my hands a little tighter, grounding me. "I can teach you a few ways to snap out of it, if you don't want to talk about it."

I nodded as he let go. "Please, I already can't-" I cut myself off with a sob. The tears just wouldn't stop. I hesitated before slowly crawling over to Killer and curling in his lap. "Could- could you hold me? Like you used to?" I whispered.

He didn't say a word as he slipped his strong arms around my waist, lifting me slightly and holding me close. The pressure felt nice as I pressed into his chest.

We stayed like that until the sweet embrace of sleep whisked me away.


I woke up alone and in my bed, making me doubt if any of it even happened. The only thing that reminded me that it did was a little note on the nightstand.


Sorry for leaving in your sleep but I had to go get Kidd from the bar. I made you some meals and cleaned a little so it'll be easier. Let me know if you need anything and I'll be there.


I nearly cried again at how kind the letter was. I shook my head and blinked hard to get rid of the rebellious tears that threatened to spill. I decided to take a bath to try and cleanse away the rampant emotions that were threatening to tear me apart while also making me feel empty.

I walked up to my bathroom and drew the water, tossing in a sachet of lavender and orange peel.

Always gotta keep up the good vibes, I guess.

The soft smell of calming citrus filled the room as I pulled out a white candle from the linen closet. I grabbed my lighter and fought back another bout of tears as I lit the wick.

I just couldn't believe what had happened. All because I wanted to be "normal" I fucked up perfectly normal teenage boys and a whole adult, got raped, technically twice, and lost sight of who I am.

Who am I? A witch, sure. An assassin, and a good one at that. A fourth year at Grand Line High, I guess that's something too. But who am I?

I slipped into the bath, finally letting the tears fall.

"Who the fuck am I!" I yelled out.

A quiet echo responded in the tiled room. A sob ripped through my throat as I stared blankly at the water.

Am I a Silvers or a Beckmann? Am I even an orphan anymore? Am I even good enough to call myself by my epithet? Am I even myself anymore?

I let myself spiral as the water got colder.

Maybe I'm not.

A/n~ Small chapter spam and welcome to the ride of a downward spiral

Have a great day/night!

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