Pretty Lady

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Luffy POV

I ran into class with Sanji hot on my tail. A laugh bubbles out as I plopped down in a chair by the front as Sanji started yelling.

"Luffy! You ate my damn lunch!" He whacks my head making me quiet down a little but I still let out a snicker.

"Sorry, but it just smelled so good! And you made my favorite again, I couldn't help it!" I did my best to push down my smile because I knew it would just make him more mad, but I couldn't help but crack a small joke. "You're cooking keeps getting better too, soon I'm gonna start crashing at yours just for the food!"

"I'll be damned if I let you bother me 24/7, I'll just start making you one too. Damn bottomless pit," he grumbled, but I could tell he liked the compliment.

I saw my big brother pointing at the seat next to me out of the corner of my eye. He was talking to a girl I thought I had seen before, but I didn't want to think about it too hard and get a headache.

"Sit over... oh boy, I'm sorry miss (Y/n)." He looked embarrassed so I tilted my head.

"What's wrong Thatch? Did I do something again?" I asked.

"No, just be nice to miss (Y/n), she's new," he explained as the girl in question turned around.

She gave me a big smile so I returned it, waving. "Nice to meet you, (thing that sounds close to your name)!"

She laughed and sat down next to me. "Do you have trouble remembering names?" she asked.

I nodded quietly, and looked at her closely. She had a super small scar on her upper lip and light freckles that didn't look like freckles on her nose. Her eyes looked into mine confused when I realized I was super close to her face.

"Ah! Sorry!" I giggled, and surprisingly so did she. "I'm Monkey D. Luffy! I'm gonna be the Gang King!" I held out my hand to shake hers even though normally people push me away for saying that.

Her gentle hand slipped in mine. "I'm (Y/n) Beckmann, and that's a big goal! I bet you can do it if you keep that energy," she whispered with a smile.

My smile felt like it was bursting at the seams as I squeeze my eyes shut. "You're pretty nice! I like you! Be my nakama!"

Giggling again, she lets go of my hand before turning to the front of the class. "I can't join you right now, I want to focus on school first," she sighed. "But maybe after graduation if the offer still stands I'll come with you, Gang King."

I watch her as she starts getting food out. Thatch was already teaching something about a 'row' and mac'n'cheese. I was mostly just here for the food, so I watched her cook with the same energy as Sanji. She started humming a song as she stirred in the milk. She suddenly stopped and looked at me.


"Can you go get some crackers and (precooked meat)?" I got excited at the thought of meat and ran to get the two things. I hurried back with the bag and box and put them on the counter and she smiled. "Thanks!"

I nod as she put the noodles in the sauce and mixed it up with some of the meat before pouring it in a pan-thingy. She mashed up some of the crackers and put some seasoning in it. Then she put the crumbs all over the top and put a little pepper on top.

"Voilà! Quick baked mac'n'cheese! You can bake it or eat it as is." My mouth was watering at how good it looked. Thatch came over and took a bite to grade her before his eyes widened.

"This is amazing. Who taught you?" he asked. I quickly stole a bite too and I couldn't help the noise that game out.

"That is so good!" I yelled out before taking another bite.

"Thank you! My big brother taught me and I'd like to say he does pretty good, but I make most meals at home," she said. I looked back up at her and I could have sworn she looked ten times prettier than she did five minutes ago.

I already have a cook, but two wouldn't hurt, right?

I glanced over at Sanji, who was looking over at her with hearts in his eyes. For some reason I didn't like that so I ate some more and focused on the meaty cheese sauce.

I looked back at her and saw she didn't eat any. I looked down at the pan and back at her before taking my spoon and grabbing a bite. I walked around the counter and put it in front of her face. "Open your mouth, (Y/n). You should try it too!" I smiled. I heard a few gasps, but I didn't care.

She smiled and put the spoon in her mouth, her cheeks getting pink as she did. After she finished chewing she pat my head. "Thank you, Luffy!"

"Mhmm! I don't want you to be hungry!" I snickered as I leaned into her hand. I took another bite as she started taking notes. I leaned over as I finished the pasta to see what it was and she was writing about how the stove worked differently from hers. Then I saw little doodles that had a lot of lines through them.

"Hey (Y/n), what's that thing?" I asked pointing to one at the top.

"Oh! Um, that's, it's a secret Luffy." I looked at her with excitement.

"Secret code?! Like in superhero movies?!" I asked.

"Sure, like in superhero movies," she giggled.

"I really like you! You're pretty, you cook good food, and you use cool code! And you said you'd be my nakama!" I wrapped my arms and legs around her in a hug and snuggled into her chest. "And you're soft!" She laughed and patted my arm.

"You're really stretchy! Did you eat a devil fruit?"

"Yup! The Gomu-Gomu no Mi! Pretty cool right?" She nodded as she pat my head again.

Thoughts racing in the back of my mind quickly made there way to the front as I felt my face get warm.

I like this feeling, she's gonna be my Gang Queen! Then she'll always be by my side!

A/n~ Early update! Luffy's so cute! I didn't know how to translate Pirate King into a title for gangs so I hope that sounds as cool! He still doesn't get it, but he'll get there!

Monkey D. Luffy - Unlocked!

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